Kick names, take ass.
2-19-2025 3:33 am
Brandon: Jesus tapdancing Christ on a pogo stick

What in the actual fuck is going on. This is a coup, and I would hope that congress would do the right thing.

We are in a constitutional crisis. And if congress won't do their job this is what the second amendment is for.

Not that i'm encouraging violence, but it may be the only option that we the people have. And it probably won't work.

But they won't. I guess it's time to find a job in Europe and get out of this nazi hell hole.

Or maybe get on some antidepressants, before RFK fuckface bans them.

Comments (2)

2-04-2025 9:47 pm
Brandon: I am tired
It's been a good run America, but since nobody in congress is willing to do the right thing we're just going to let a bunch of fucks ruin this nation.

I don't understand how these incels are allowed to do things with nobody stopping them. Let the police come and arrest you, but at least stand up and try and prevent a coup from occurring right in front of your face.

We need to stop this, but I'm at a loss at what to do. I guess I'll buy a gun.

Tags (beta): depression

Comments (1)

2-08-2024 8:13 pm
Brandon: I broke some things.
While doing some security updates I broke Vent for a bit, sorry about that.

It should be working correctly again.

Testing: Would have caught this, probably

Tags (beta): sad trombone

Comments (1)

1-18-2024 4:54 pm
Brandon: Don
Just testing things.

Testing: is good dandori!
Mood: Nostalgic?
Mood: Eh

Tags (beta): a, b, music

Comments (2)

6-24-2022 8:22 pm
Brandon: The decline of the U.S.A.
This has been such a depressing year. I'm tired of seeing the most powerful nation on earth slowly becoming Gilead.

Fuck this whole fucking timeline.

Just vote. If you care about anything, just vote.

Comments (3)

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