Kick names, take ass.
11-24-2006 10:28 pm
captpicard: The saving power of Christ
Romans 3:23 For all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God
That means everyone on the earth has sinned and as God is a just God there is a price to pay for breaking the law of God

Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord
As you can see everyone who has ever commited a sin will die that is the price we pay for rebelling against God. and as you can see in Romans 3:23 everyone has sinned but praise God he gave us a way out

1st Peter 3:18 For Christ died for sins once for all the righteous for the unrighteous to bring you to God.
In the old testament the priest were required once a year to perform a sacrifice for the whole nation of Isreal in order to pay for their sins. This sacrifice was to be a lamb without blemish. This lamb foreshadowed Christ. Jesus was the only person ever to live without sin and so could perform the task God sent him for. As John 3:16 shows for God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. In Acts 3:19 is states Repent then and turn to God so that your sins may be wiped out. Therefore if we choose to accept Christ as our lord and saviour we will be saved. Romans 10:9 states If you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved. Nothing to hard just be willing to accept that Christ died for your sins and is your Lord and ask him to save you and forgive your sins you will be saved. However you must choose to do this of your own choice for God wants you to choose for yourself he does not want robots but sons. If you would like to be saved here is a simple prayer you can say. God I admit that I am a sinner. I believe that you sent your son Jesus who died on the cross and rose again on the third day to pay the price for my sins. I am asking you to forgive my sins and I accept your gift of Jesus dieing on the cross. In the name of Jesus amen.
God will save you and he paved the way through Jesus Christ dieing on the cross to pay the price for your sins.
Just remeber Christianity is not a religion of blind faith but intelligent faith. God does not forbid you to ask questions and he will answer them for you. So come today into the light and accept Christ.

Comments (3)

11-22-2006 1:53 am
captpicard: Was thinking today
So I was thinking today. I don't know how many of you were aware of this recent thing that happened with toys for tots and the Jesus dolls but I decided to give my own spin on it. While I believe the dolls are somewhat sacrelgious(sp) and should not of been made I do have one problem with them not wanting to accept them in the first place. That problem is that had they been Buddha or Muhammend dolls they would of been taken without question. For those of you who disagree with think about these. In California there was a school which got upset at a student for wearing a t-shirt saying homosexuality is a sin and in many schools you can get in trouble for trying to host something Christian such as a Bible study but they have no such problems when muslims, hindus, or buddhists want to do something in a school. Another example the USAF recently got in trouble because of evangicals in their officer school supposedly harrassing non-christians. I talked to some officers who were there when this happened and from them you find out that the Christians don't really do what everyone said happened its more the other faiths that do it. The thing is most of these things have no problem accepting something from a muslim faith or hindu or buddhist so why such a huge problem with Christian things?

Comments (31)

11-20-2006 11:20 pm
captpicard: one question
I was just reading an article on yahoo news and it made me think of something. First of all here is the backdrop these left wing protesters were protesting a miltary school that trained latin american countries armies to fight. Now these same protesters are often the same people who protest the US army. What I want to know is if these leftwingers who shout and call us in the miltary murderers and rapists realize that we are the same ones who defend there right to protest and sometimes die for it and that even though they spend all there time bashing us we are willing to go into a hostile zone to save them if need be??? Would you leftwingers be willing to do the same???

Comments (44)

12-05-2003 3:25 pm
captpicard: not so bored
well right now i am reading wierd news articles and i'm not so bored. there are some wierd news stories out there here are a few they may give you a laugh. and th ohter is

Mood: amused
Music: none

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12-05-2003 12:05 am
captpicard: bored
SO here i am sitting in a six pm class bored oouta my mind so i decided to join this journal thingy i found through fuzmeisters im profile (go S&F software)anyway i just thought i would post this hope you like it Fuz thats all for now should pay attettion to the class so later folks

Mood: bored solid
Music: none

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