David: The Force Unleashed...
Except from load times.
Despite its flaws (and there are many) I still like this game. It reminds me a lot of Legacy of Kain: Defiance, except tighter and Star Warsy.
What I don't get are the load times. This fucking game pops up a load screen between menus, for chrissake. Seriously. It's not like the menus are even anything severe. Not sure what's going on there.
There are a few cheap deaths, and a few stupid button matching cut scene moments (I hate these, btw) but overall, I enjoy the gameplay. The ability to dramatically change the environment using the force is just awesome. The ability to be Darth Vader killing a Wookie is awesome.
If only this game could have been more Vader centric. Playing as Vader was the highlight of this game for me, and it lasted for only a few minutes.
What a rambling non review this is. Bottom line - If you've got some time to play it, rent it. If you don't have a lot of time to play it, buy it. Either way, check it out.