2-HeadedGiraffe: Burkas, Prostitutes and Burka-Wearing Prostitutes
I was going to put this as a comment on Nathan's post about Saddam, but I thought I'd make my own post.

I don't see what's wrong with the burka. I have a problem with a man forcing a woman to dress a particular way, but there's really nothing wrong with the garment itself. So while I understand that it's commonly used as a symbol of the oppression of women in the cultures where women are forced to wear it, I think that leads people away from seeing it as a dignified, functional article of clothing. In America, you see people dressed like prostitutes, wearing as little as they can legally get away with, something with the underwear hanging out of the over-tight pants or other such indignities. Then these women get offended when men stare at them.

Also, I don't really have a problem with prostitution. I see it as more or less an issue of morality. I try to come to my morality through logic*, and I see no logical reason why mature adults shouldn't be allowed to buy and sell sex. The major problem I see with it is the spread of disease, which happens just as much through casual sex without exchange of money.

As for the whole Iraq situation, though, Saddam was a bastard, and so is Bush. It's a damned if you do, fucked if you don't situation.

And that's my ten cents (my two cents is free).

*my morality, though backed by my own logic admittedly overlaps in many ways with that with which I was raised, though I have tried to reject some so-called sins with which I can find no intellectual fault

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