Kick names, take ass.
5-19-2005 7:06 pm
2-HeadedGiraffe: This SO isn't going to happen.
Well, so far (that I know of) Fuzmeister, Brandon, and my brother have all seen Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. I'm still holding out hope that it'll work out for me to see it some time, but I really don't know. The person I was going to see it with probably isn't going for a few weeks yet, and I'll probably have heard all about by then. I've already heard WAY too much without even wanting to. You just can't go into a movie like this fresh.

Mood: Excited, and disappointed I won't get to see this any time soon.
Music: No music. Just the TV.

Comments (2)

5-15-2005 10:21 pm
2-HeadedGiraffe: They've gone too far!
Okay, so yeah. I like totally sucks when your Internet browser tries to block addresses you type in. Like, for example. My browswer has blocked that a few times now and then.

Comments (1)

5-12-2005 4:45 pm
2-HeadedGiraffe: Hitting is good.
I bought Donkey Konga 2 yesterday after wrapping up over $100 in coins I had accumulated over the last however long it's been since the last time I wrapped up my coins. I bought the game, and a new wall scroll (Excel Saga, featuring Hyatt large in the center and several background sections featuring the other main characters, except for Ilpallazo), and still had a good bit left over. I was thinking of also buying Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, but I'll save that for another day. I have some stuff I might trade in to cheapen the purchase of that one, too.

Basically, the game is just like the first one, which is a good thing, IMHO. The choice of songs is more mature than the first, explaining the Teen rating, but they still work around profanity, which sort of surprised me. At least one of the songs had several slight rewordings to get around bad language, but most of them are really pretty decent covers. A couple sound pretty close to the originals, but I'm not sure if any are the original versions or not. Either way, they tend to sound quite good.

There seem to be a handful of new features which I imagine will be greatly appreciated. Instead of having to play every song in the Challenge mode, you can select different numbers of songs to play in a row. Also, there's a random song select in the Street Performance mode, which can be kinda fun. Another surprise was that the game automatically loads all the sound sets you have unlocked in the original game if you save them both to the same memory card.

If you liked the first one, you'll like this one.

Mood: Alright.
Music: Not listening to any right at the moment.
Browsing: Yeah...they had to edit this one.

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5-08-2005 4:19 pm
2-HeadedGiraffe: The Toilet from Hell
Sometimes being a janitor sucks the mad ass.

Comments (3)

5-04-2005 5:02 pm
2-HeadedGiraffe: Contrary to a previous point...
The game I'm playing currently, Baten Kaitos, is relatively free of majorly annoying things, even when it gets difficult. When you die (which happened to me several times on this one particular battle where there was nowhere around to rest and no way I could level up, so it was win or start over - a poor design choice, IMHO, but the game DOES warn you), you have the option of just restarting the battle. If you choose that, you can refigure your characters' equipment and decks (everything, from attacking to healing to magic is done with cards) before the new battle. Very quick; you don't have to watch conversations and sequences leading up to the battle over and over if you're losing.

Besides that, I hit a point where the story throws you through a loop I'd be amazed if anyone saw coming. A particular detail about how the story works lets them do something you wouldn't consider pulloffable. It works pretty well. Most of the plot is fairly typical, but this part is just out there.

Overall, good game. I'd probably give it a 7. Not as complex or unique as a Final Fantasy or anything (those always were my favorites), but still a fun play. The battles are really long, but they still manage to be very fun, probably since they're so active, while maintaining a definate turn-based structure.

Music: Background music on the TV
Browsing: Titleular Source...perhaps.

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