fuzmeister: Yawn
Hello, Ventilation. It's October. I felt like dusting the cobwebs with some casual smalltalk.

I listened to ZZ Top's Deguello album last night without interruptions just laying on my sofa and taking in all the musical textures. It was nice.

It made me wish for a simpler time where we weren't psychologically moving at a million miles a minute. I tell myself I couldn't live without some of these technologies we have now (smartphones, etc.), but, in reality, I think I might be happier without those things. Despite denying this, I think a lot of people would be happier without these modern age distractions.

I'm slowly working on a new collection of songs myself. I need to get my own studio setup one of these years. It's going slowly, but these songs are certainly interesting.

Mood: Crotchity, Old, and Socially Backward
Music: Red Hot Chili Peppers - Factory of Faith

Tags (beta): old man post, cobweb duster

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