Kick names, take ass.
10-10-2015 4:07 pm
fuzmeister: The Days Have Shortened
As the seasons transition, Kate and I are transitioning as well. We've finally relocated to a new home; I was happy to have this happen before the cold bleakness of another Western Pennsylvania winter sets in too.

Kate found me a Wii U secondhand from a local guy before we moved. The price was half of what the bundle is going for new and it was barely used.

I have to say that, while Nintendo has made some horrible mistakes in the past decade, I am enjoying the Wii U so far. The tablet controller kind of sucks, but it's got some potential in terms of changing how games are played. Super Mario Maker proves that most people can't design a good level if their lives depended on it and, unfortunately, most of the top content are levels that play themselves (which is cool really only the first time you see it)...

Also, I think my PC can run Fallout 4, so dodged a bullet there as well... looks like I'm PC/Wii U this gen... until X-Station 5U is announced - I'm all over that.

Mood: Eh
Music: TV On The Radio - Happy Idiot

Tags (beta): video games, real life

Comments (2)

8-24-2015 5:31 pm
fuzmeister: Having Recently Returned From a Trip Overseas
Maybe it's my age, but London was basically NYC with British people. There were cool things to be seen, but, after they'd been seen, I was ready to turn in and roll out of town.

Wales was the most beautiful stop; I'd 100% visit Wales again and I need to make it a point to see Scotland before I die as I've been told it's even more awe-inspiring.

Lastly, Parisians get an unfair rep. It might have just been our luck or the time we were visiting, but most Parisians were professional and friendly. Paris' metro system was certainly more enjoyable than the London underground as well.

These are just my subjective viewpoints though...

Mood: Solid

Tags (beta): travel, opinion

Comments (2)

7-03-2015 2:37 pm
fuzmeister: Streamin' n' Schemin'
AC/DC, one of the last major hold-outs, have finally made their catalog streamable on Spotify.

I know people are making next to nothing from streaming media, but this is the future, people. The userbase for Spotify and other streaming services is growing everyday - time to get with the program, bands!

Yeah, I definitely think the payment model needs to be worked out and revised, but it seems like you're only punishing yourself by not having your music available on modern delivery platforms.

Crossing my fingers we will one day see Tool and The Beatles available on these services... not holding my breath though.

Also worth mentioning - Apple music. I haven't used it, but what's the deal with this platform?

I can't wait for the hardcore Apple folks to act like Apple pioneered this stuff... what really bothers me about Apple is they get so much credit for basically refining existing technology. I give them credit where it's due for being damn good at polishing a user experience, but they very rarely have been the pioneer of this stuff... though so many people give them so much credit.

Oh well... perception vs. reality, I guess... isn't that the way it goes with respect to a lot of things?

Mood: Rawkin'

Tags (beta): music, technology

Comments (3)

4-19-2015 3:48 pm
fuzmeister: Thumbing Through the S&F Digital Archives
This is the map from Trevor 3 - released almost 14 years ago. It was one of the most ambitious S&F projects and sadly, not played by a ton of people.

Trevor3 Overworld

Thanks for coding the Trevor 3 map editor all those years ago, Brandon. I can't actually open up the original game or source code, but I can view the map files which is such a trip down memory lane. :)

Hoping to give the world a chance to play the Trevor games on modern PCs in the next couple of years.

Mood: Super Nostalgia!

Tags (beta): game development, trevor

Comments (0)

3-12-2015 5:15 pm
fuzmeister: Exploration
I'm at a weird tipping point of balance. I want to release a cohesive album of music, but the spectrum of styles and sounds is vast even by my standards.

I've considered multiple, themed releases as well.

The good doctor wants to compose melodic and thoughtful tunes, but Mr. Hyde keeps coming up adding chaos, confusion, and noise.


Mood: Chaotic
Music: Tobacco - Truck Sweat

Tags (beta): music

Comments (2)

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