Brandon: Jenkins as a CI Server
Why do people use Jenkins? It's a steaming pile of crap that is lacking basic features that every CI system should have.

Jenkins does not have templates, something that would be very useful for a CI system when you have a lot of projects that are built and tested in nearly the same way.

The plugin system is a mess and poorly documented. One plugin may not play nice with another one.

The UI is atrocious and has not been updated in years.

It doesn't use a database to store test results or run results, so seeing metrics of jobs is a royal pain.

I lost the battle for using JetBrains TeamCity product because, aside from templating, there was nothing that TeamCity could do that Jenkins couldn't.

I should have fought harder. There more I use this system the more I wonder how large organizations use it.

I have a feeling that they don't. They pay for a system that doesn't require babysitting all the time.

I will cease ranting now.

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