Kick names, take ass.

7-30-2007 9:36 pm
David: The Identity Swap
Let's be honest, that handle was getting tired, and I'm a lot less funny than it implied.

Besides, any anonymity that it once offered had been blown away long ago.

Pictures of our new abode will be forthcoming. We've just entered into the contract, and won't be closing until early September. I'm having inspections done this Thursday.

Oh, and Sage is 1 now. We had her birthday party on Sunday at this place, which was fun. Our apartment is full of toys now which only underscores the necessity for a bigger dwelling. I've got some video of her eating cake, which I'll share later (which, if you know me, probably means never as actually going through the process of downloading media from devices and then uploading it to my webserver is usually beyond the limits of desire for me).

2-HeadedGiraffe - (*(..)*)
I just know this whole "David" name-swap thing is going to confuse me at some point.
Nathan Tyree - (Overwhelmed by existential angst)
I never really got the whole nethandle thing. Since the inception of the web I've always just used my name everywhere I went. I mean hell, I am me, right? Why be someone else
David - ()
Quote Nathan Tyree
Since the inception of the web...


Actually, the reason most people use a "nethandle" is because of the necessity for a unique username. "jestmeister" is nowhere near as common as "David", or even "David Emerson".
Nathan Tyree - (Overwhelmed by existential angst)
but, how likely is it that all permutations of your name will be in use on a particular site that you frequent? David Emerson, David.Emerson, David_Emerson, davidemerson, david(insert middle initial)emerson, etc, etc? That's not to mention things like David2007 (which have some level of popularity).

And, I know that many people do use net handles for the anonymity that they allow. Which, as I said, I don't get.
Nathan Tyree - (Overwhelmed by existential angst)

Well, since I started using it. Around 97 or so, I think.
David - ()
Quote Nathan Tyree
but, how likely is it that all permutations of your name will be in use on a particular site that you frequent? David Emerson, David.Emerson, David_Emerson, davidemerson, david(insert middle initial)emerson, etc, etc? That's not to mention things like David2007 (which have some level of popularity).

Probably not too likely. But it may be one version here, and another version there ad infinitium. It's nice to have one name for everything instead of thinking, "what's my username here?"

There are times when anonymity is a necessity, and I have a standard username for that eventuality. In the age of Google, it's nice to not be 100% transparent to those who would care to dig.
Nathan Tyree - (Overwhelmed by existential angst)
okay. I take both points.
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