Kick names, take ass.

8-22-2007 2:19 am
David: A Little Piracy For The Road
As stated earlier, I'm once again parting ways with World of Warcraft.

One of the things that always held my interest was that one could gain reputation with a pirate faction, The Bloodsail Buccaneers by killing hundreds of guards in the goblin port city of Booty Bay. Doing so gained you reputation with the pirates, but destroyed your reputation with the goblins. Since there are lots of goblin run towns in World of Warcraft, pissing them off bars you from entry to a lot of important areas.

However, maybe it's worth if the rewards are good. Thing is, they really aren't. The reward for getting in good with the pirates is a pirate costume, and a parrot. That's it. However, the meager rewards mean not many people pursue gaining rep with the pirates, making the costume, and especially the hat, exceptionally rare.

Well, since I don't give a shit what the goblins think of me anymore, I decided to become a pirate before retired.

Brandon - (<-- The Electric Sunshine Man, yo!) - Administrator
So, you had time to roll a new Belf, get undead faction up high enough to get a mount, AND become admiral of the Bloodsail Buccs? Bravo.

Also, go and play Bioshock. It will change your life.
Demannu - (<--- Eats Worms)
Dude, you're a chick.
David - ()
And an effin' sexy one at that.

If I'm going to stare at a person's ass (real or digital) for hundreds of hours, I'd prefer it be female.
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