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8-29-2007 2:14 pm
David: Metroid Prime 3 First Impressions
I picked this up last night (at BB, ugh...), and got to play for a couple of hours.

Things I Like:

  • Voice acting

  • Aiming my reticule with the remote

  • Actually getting to be inside Samus's ship

Things I Don't Like:

  • Gimmicky Wii controls (Not to be misinterpreted as all motion sensitive controls, just the stupid ones. The worst offenders are ones that ask you to push the remote toward the screen. My arm is usually already fully extended while playing, as I am reclined.)

  • Grapple swinging. Three seperate times I have been disconnected from a grapple point for no apparant reason. I don't know if it's miscommunication between my remote and the Wii, or what

  • Getting to the map. "1" and "2" aren't really accessible buttons. This isn't Metroid's fault, it's the Wii's.

2-HeadedGiraffe - (*(..)*)
I'm not as far as you, but I was surprised how much stuff you get right towards the beginning. It seems to lack, as far as I am, at least, that part most of the games have where you either start with no equipment or start with lots of stuff only to lose it almost immediately. Even early on in this one, I have a few energy tanks, missiles, morph ball (with bombs), etc. Not necessarily bad, but quite different.

1 and 2 require me to shift my grip on the controller, but since they're being used for the map, it's not such a big deal.
Nathan Tyree - (Overwhelmed by existential angst)
Actually getting to be inside Samus's ship sounds cool
fuzmeister - (The Real ST)
So far there are things I don't know if I like such as traveling between planets... er, smaller areas of planets that aren't accessible unless you use the ship. Maybe this will change.

I also find it interesting that you get as many items as you do from the start... it could just be a really long introduction until you lose your stuff. Dunno.

1 and 2 don't bother me as much as actually navigating on the map screen - feels like the scrolling control should be inverted...

Also, I'll leave you all with the title of a Warren Zevon song that embodies how the past Metroid games made me feel and this one does not: Splendid Isolation.
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