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9-11-2007 4:10 pm
David: Dreams of BioShock
I was just reading through a game related blog, and there was yet another article about this game.

Which triggered a memory of a dream I apparantly had last night in which I was playing BioShock. I have never played this game, so I guess the game in the dream was based on videos of it I have seen.

Oh, and I was playing it on the Wii.

I've learned two things:

1. I have weird dreams.
2. BioShock sucks (at least the one I played last night did.)

Tags (beta): video games, bioshock, dreams
Nathan Tyree - (Overwhelmed by existential angst)
I haven't played it yet. I hear a lot of good stuff about it, though. Right now I'm playing Touch the Dead on the DS.
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