Kick names, take ass.

1-03-2008 8:30 pm
David: If Someone Says...
"No pun intended", then they very likely intended the pun.

This phrase is acceptable in spoken word, but is just stupid when written. If you want someone to notice your clever pun, say "pun intended" instead. Then at least they'll think you're only half an ass-bag.

I'm currently playing Half-Life 2, Episode 2, and am going to be very sad when it is over.

Nathan Tyree - (Overwhelmed by existential angst)
Agreed. I don't even find it acceptable in spoken word. The only exception is when someone speaks, then seems to notice that they inadvertently made a pun. That is quite rare. Really, though, can't we just dispense with puns entirely?
Archimago - ()
"Now is the winter of our discontent
Made glorious summer by this son of York;

no. I do not think we can dispense with puns.

Pray you now, forget and forgive; else shake a spear at me.
Archimago - ()
The first pun in the above post is acceptable. The second is tripe. We should make an effort to stamp out the latter, and give the former special dispunsation.

Archimago - ()
I should be punished for what I've done.
Nathan Tyree - (Overwhelmed by existential angst)
Oh my lord
Archimago - ()
I think you mean
"oh Mylanta"

Did you have spicy dinner?

Brandon - (<-- The Electric Sunshine Man, yo!) - Administrator
Yeah, the Half-Life 2 saga is pretty good. And I applaud you for playing "The Orange Box" the way it was meant to. On a PC.

Although, Bioshock turned out pretty good for a console game gone PC port. Not that its hard or anything though.
Brandon - (<-- The Electric Sunshine Man, yo!) - Administrator
Oh, and bonus points for getting the "Little Rocket Man" achievement.
David - ()
Well, it was a bastard, but I got it.

The Steam Rating is slightly embarrassing. I play games way too much...
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