Kick names, take ass.

1-07-2008 6:35 pm
David: Questions

  • If you flip a coin 1,000,000,000 times, how many times will it turn up heads?

  • Zounds! Who's a fuckhead?

  • Why didn't John Kerry win in '04?

  • What was the name of Aaron's (Thr4ll's) comic?

  • Who's neighbor had a Star Trek teleporter (they think)?

  • Who's falling?

  • List the Vent Republicans.

  • List the Vent Democrats.

  • List the Vent Independents.

  • List the Vent posters whose party affiliation you have no idea of.

  • List the Vent posters who are batshit crazy.

More to come...

These Questions: Are retarded. Ignore them.

Tags (beta): david being an idiot
Nathan Tyree - (Overwhelmed by existential angst)
1. Approximately 500,000, 000 times
2. Why, Jestmeister, of course
3. A variety of reasons
4. I have forgotten
5. uh?
6. Mr Overby and anyone who thinks that Western Civilization is something real
7. Capticard
8. Me, David, Terry (sort of)
9. Archie
10. Everybody else
11. Me

Now, what is this all about?
fuzmeister - (The Real ST)
1. Who knows/cares?
2. Senator Larry Craig
3. Because, unlike 2000, Bush won.
4. Theory of Everything
5. Spock's neighbor did.
6. Mr. Overby
7. Captpicard
8. Nathan, David, Terry
9. Archimago (Apparently), Myself, 2-HeadedGiraffe(I think)
10. Who did I miss?
11. Everyone that posts here is.
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