Kick names, take ass.

8-22-2008 7:24 pm
David: WebComic Pipedreams
Seems like everyone has webcomic ambitions these days.

I've always run into the same problem though. While I have 1,001 ideas to be placed in comic form my artistic ability is, well, not great.

I've looked for ways to remedy this deficiency in the past with little success.

Until now.

I'm the story guy and the other guy is the, umm, drawing guy. We don't have anything in the can yet, and we're still fleshing out the universe, but before long, you'll be able to see Parallax City on a regular basis, should you wish.

fuzmeister - (The Real ST)
For the record, Kyle's been drawing his comic for roughly ten years.

I dabbled in the paper medium with quite a few comics myself years ago, but Take This Suck was an "inside joke" and possible "one time thing."

I just wanted to stand in defense of Kyle and say that, while I may be a bandwagon hopper ready for fortune, glory, and whores, Kyle isn't.... a bandwagon hopper, I mean.

That is all.

I'm looking forward to PC though. Should be pretty cool.
fuzmeister - (The Real ST)
Oh yeah, Take This Suck, Vol. 2: Coming Soon!
David - ()
No offense to defend against. Did I accuse anyone of hopping on a bandwagon?

I was merely pointing out the existence of other webcomic activity on Ventilation.

I'm not always out to piss you people off, you know. Just some of the time.
fuzmeister - (The Real ST)
I wasn't assuming you were trying to piss anyone off. I was just trying to distance myself from Kyle in terms of our ambitions.

He's putting a lot more into his work than I have any intention of doing with any "comics" I intentionally draw crudely.

EDIT: Is the design of the PC image on that page a reference to Watchmen?
2-HeadedGiraffe - (*(..)*)
I didn't take your statement as a negative. You didn't imply that my work was inferior in any way or anything.

That first image on your site looks interesting. I'm not sure what exactly you did, and I don't have any previous art of yours to compare it against, but that first picture is certainly better than some of the stuff out there. I'll be interested to see what comes of it. Keep us posted.
David - ()
Just to be clear, it's not my art.
David - ()
Quote fuzmeister
Is the design of the PC image on that page a reference to Watchmen?

Most definitely.

2-HeadedGiraffe - (*(..)*)
Yeah, I misread that the first time. My bad.
Nathan Tyree - (Overwhelmed by existential angst)
Very interesting look. I'm curious to see what it's like.
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