Kick names, take ass.

8-26-2008 7:31 pm
David: Episode 1
This is the last post you will ever see about Parallax City here at Vent. (I don't want to obnoxiously self-pimp).

Just so you're awares, though, Parallax City is now live.

Nathan Tyree - (Overwhelmed by existential angst)
self pimp all you want- everybody does (I'm the king).

If you don't, I may pimp your comic myself
fuzmeister - (The Real ST)
How frequent will updates be?
2-HeadedGiraffe - (*(..)*)
"Obnoxiously self-pimping" as you put it (verb tense notwithstanding) has significant precedent as being an acceptable practice on Vent. As Mr. T (I'm too lazy to type out "Nathan Tyree") say, he does it, and I do, as well. Feel free to join the club.
Archimago - ()
It's unfortunate that I have nothing to pimp. I have tha hat and jacket for it already.
Nathan Tyree - (Overwhelmed by existential angst)
create something and start pimping. we can all pimp together
2-HeadedGiraffe - (*(..)*)
Sooner or later, you get to the point of too many pimps, not enough hos.
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