Kick names, take ass.

9-11-2008 6:10 pm
David: Liar Liar, Pants on Fire
That's me.

New episode of Parallax City is up. Noah's starting to get a better feel for his look on this, and I'm digging it. Check us out and let me know what you think.

I'm still working out the logistics of how I'm going to handle the archives. The blog format doesn't do it for me, but neither do the standard "next" and "previous" links most folks use. I hope to have it all cleared up soon.

Nathan Tyree - (Overwhelmed by existential angst)
I find it interesting so far. The look is solid. Waiting for the characters to start to be defined
2-HeadedGiraffe - (*(..)*)
Not enough strips yet to form a strong opinion, but it seems promising so far.
Brandon - (<-- The Electric Sunshine Man, yo!) - Administrator
Why is the white ninja black?

Also, I likey.
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