Kick names, take ass.

11-04-2008 7:31 pm
David: Let's Go Down This Rabbit Hole Together
Quote captpicard
People say that a world without religion is so much better than one with religion, however history proves different.

This statement interests me on several levels.

Firstly, I'm interested in the "world without religion". Which world is/was this?

Secondly, I'm interested in who the people are that are saying "that a world without religion is so much better than one with religion", and their relevance to the political discussion of left wing politics that the above statement was a part of.

Finally, I want to know what the historical proof of the invalidity of their claim is.

Much appreciation to anyone that can clear these points up for me.

Nathan Tyree - (Overwhelmed by existential angst)
I believe that a world without religion would, on balance, be better than a world with religion. I cannot help with the other points.
fuzmeister - (The Real ST)
I'd be more interested in a government without religion. Maybe a religion without government... maybe no government? Maybe I don't know what I want...
captpicard - ("I aim to misbehave" Capt Reynolds (Serenity))
I was watching the documentary Expelled and I'm fairly certain it was Richard Dawkins who made a comment along the lines that if there was no religions the world would be a better place and it made me think about that. for examples of countries in history without any sort of religion take a look at Nazi Germany or the USSR. In our own country research Ota Benga and see what happens when people view things only through the lens of darwin
Demannu - (<--- Eats Worms)
um... no religion in Nazi Germany? Really? That's what you're going with? No religion in Nazi Germany? so there weren't pro-nazi protestant churches in germany? hmm. I find that very interesting... So what you're saying is that there wasn't a protestant rally in 1933 that passed a resolution declaring Adolf Hitler was the completion of the reformation. So Adolf Hitler didn't convert to protestantism... I'm suprised. I really am. I thought the pro-nazi protestants unified into the Protestant Reich Church. Who the hell was Müller leading then? He must have just been throwing a looong kegger, right?

And the USSR? really? they were without any sort of religion? really? So the Russian orthodox Church doesn't count... Sergius didn't right this?

?On this 25th anniversary of the Republic of the Soviets, in the name of our Clergy and of all the believers of the Russian Orthodox Church, faithful children of our Fatherland, I salute with cordiality and piety, in your person, the leader chosen by God, the leader of our military and cultural forces, who is guiding us to triumph over the barbarous invasion, to the prosperity of our country in peace, towards a radiant future for its peoples. May God bless by success and glory your valorous exploits for our Fatherland.?

I have nothing against religion. Religious nut jobs who try to rewrite history to further political views however, can bite my crank.
Demannu - (<--- Eats Worms)
captpicard - ("I aim to misbehave" Capt Reynolds (Serenity))
A state church used to control people and a real christian are two separate things. In both Nazi Germany and the USSR it is a well known fact that Gestapo and KGB agents posed as pastors in order to keep an eye on the people; it is also well known that german ministers were imprisoned in the Concentration camps. Look up the Confessional church of Nazi Germany which were run by protestant ministers who refused to be a part of the state church , which by the way was replacing the Bible with Mein Kampf, and the cross with a swastika. Take a look at Franz Kaufmann or Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Yes as sad as it is there will always be those who will side with power for comfort and safety, that can even be the same today with many mainstream churches abadoning the Bible in such areas as homosexuality and so on. So simply put there is no doubt that there were church leaders who sided with Hitler for the power and wealth, but scratch the surface and you will see that is not the whole story.
Demannu - (<--- Eats Worms)
but that isn't a country without religion is it? It's a country without YOUR religion. If you make a statement, back up the statement you made, not the one you wish you had made after someone provides a differing view. I'm very aware of the confessional church. I never said that Nazi germany didn't take extreme effort to destroy religious views that were different from theirs. They were horribly intolerant of those that did not support their views. (sound like someone....?) And for your information, despite Stalin's attempts to rid the USSR of religion, his actions actually strengthened the othodox church. So despite the government not sanctioning religion, the country indeed DID HAVE religion.
You sir, are an ASS!
Brandon - (<-- The Electric Sunshine Man, yo!) - Administrator
Honestly, without religion I don't know if society could survive. Religion is an institution of controlling the "common man" by giving them something the believe in.

I don't think there would be any way to get rid of religion, people would come up with a form of religion on their own even if somehow everyone suddenly woke up with amnesia.

I don't think we can really even theorize a world without religion.
Demannu - (<--- Eats Worms)
I absolutely agree. We are naturally wired to find faces in the clouds.
2-HeadedGiraffe - (*(..)*)
Government and religion should be seperate, but religion has a place. I know any number of people who find great comfort in or derive good morals from their religion. It doesn't matter, for those things, at least, which if any proves correct. It comforts some people and encourages them to try to live better lives. It has an objective value here on Earth for some people, whether it turns out to be true or not.

Of course, there're also those who do bad things in the name of their deity or chuch, so my statements may be invalid.
David - ()
Quote Brandon
Religion is an institution of controlling the "common man" by giving them something the believe in.

David - ()
I find it interesting that the origin of this "quote" on a world without religion originates from Richard Dawkins, a British professorial fellow at New College, Oxford, as captpicard used it as an example of why he is worried by the left wing of American politics.

Another interesting Dawkins quote:

"We are all atheists about most of the gods that humanity has ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further."
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