Kick names, take ass.

11-30-2008 5:22 pm
David: First In (Noah's) House Issue!
We're baaa-aaack.

Tags (beta): parallax city
fuzmeister - (The Real ST)
Finally. I've been checking the site for like two weeks now.

Good to see it's continuing!
2-HeadedGiraffe - (*(..)*)
Oh, jeesh. Now the pressure's on for me to get back to updating my comic. Heh. Busy schedule and whatnot.

It's nice to see Parallax City again, though. Is there any sort of update schedule, or do I have to check it continuously?
theHornedOne - ()
Wow, thanks, guys. I didn't realize we had readers outside of my kid sister and Nathan. My plan is to do production on Sunday mornings so we'll have new strips up on Mondays and maybe some bonus strips on some weeks when I'm feelings super motivated.
See ya in the funny pages.
fuzmeister - (The Real ST)
I definitely enjoy checking it out. At first, getting acclimated to all the characters took me a bit, but I'm enjoying the more concise, per-strip centered stories, I think.
2-HeadedGiraffe - (*(..)*)
I'll have to make a point of checking it on Mondays. It hasn't been around long enough to say whether I'll end up reading it long-term, but I like what I've seen so far.
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