Kick names, take ass.

9-05-2009 3:49 am
David: Mixing Drinks, Golf, and .45 Ways to Die
Ever notice how when you're making a bourbon and cola (Maker's Mark and Pepsi being my current couple) the first glass starts out "bourbon to the ice", the second ends up with a little more, and by the third you're mixing 1:1.

In stranger news, I've taken up the game of golf. I'd played a few times in my youth, but never got that into it. Then a few months ago I was invited to a large game by a friend at work. Since my PXC buddy Noah (also a novice golfer) was also going to make the trip, I decided to give golf another shot. I played (and still play) horribly, but for some reason am really attracted to the game at this point. This fact continues to confound me.

Lastly, .45 Ways to Die has become a solo effort. I've had one or two incredibly swell ideas, but they're going to take some time (and software upgrades) to execute. Hopefully I'll have something tangible within a year.

Archimago - ()
A year!!! What the hell are you trying to do!

David - ()
Rad shit.
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