My big dispute with these bills that have been floated is that they are too sweeping in what they do. Our government should not be doing what the private sector can do better. It should provide a framework for the private sector to work within. Single payer is not the best solution out there.
my plan: 1. define a basic health insurance package. 2. Require insurance companies to offer this package equally to everyone at no profit. They can offer extras at profit. The administrative costs for basic coverage would be offset by the additional policies. 3. Require citizens to purchase this coverage. Persons below the poverty level would be subsidized by our taxes. 4. Standardized prices for doctors. 5. Tort reform to limit doctor liability.
1. Discover faster than light travel. 2. Use FTL to travel through time to the future when quality health care is available and affordable to every citizen. 3. Ask for documents of their plan. 4. Travel back to present time and provide Congress with my 'plan" (I considered traveling back to 1776 and starting the country off on the right foot, but feared that the resulting changes to the timeline would result in my not being born). 5. Tort reform to limit doctor liability.