Kick names, take ass.

10-12-2012 9:30 pm
David: Reddit? Whovians? Arts!
So...I've been spending a lot of time on Reddit for the past few months. Are any of the rest of you lot Redditors?

In other news, I've gotten way into Doctor Who lately. My iPhone ringtones and alerts are now all Doctor Who themed (previously these were from the Zelda universe).

Remember when I used to write a webcomic? The artist in that venture has grown by leaps and bounds since we started, and he gave me one hell of an assist last week. See, Reddit has these gift exchanges, and I signed up for the Doctor Who one. My match turned out to be a pin-up model who loves fan art.

So, mix this whole post together, and you get this. I was blown away, but that was nothing compared to the message that I got from the recipient. It feels good to make a stranger's day.

Oh, and should Noah find his way to this post...thanks again, dude. You fucking rocked it.

fuzmeister - (The Real ST)
I felt bad that this post had no comments. I have occasionally used reddit, but I have not seen Dr. Who yet. I think I'm intimidated by the long run of the series... like I'll never be able to digest it all. The real question is - do you have to?
David - ()
Glad my comment in the campaign thread generated enough pity for this response!

Just start with the new series. It was made for new viewers. You can always go back and catch up on classic Who afterward.
Archimago - ()
In fact, if you weren't in-doctor-nated early on, the older series can be very slow.

As for Reddit, I have no idea what it is.
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