Kick names, take ass.

10-13-2014 4:56 pm
David: Video Games
I still don't own a PS4. There hasn't yet been a compelling reason for me to pick one up. I'm receiving conflicting reports on Destiny, but it sounds suspiciously like an FPS MMO which is, like, no thanks. Shadow of Mordor does look interesting. I've derisively referred to it as Assassin's Creed: The Hobbit based on footage I've seen. Same footage has shown it to be not great at anticipating player behavior though. Metal Gear, as always, will probably be the series that sells me a PlayStation. Not that I'm dying to play it or anything, but at this point it's kind of tradition.

The biggest game purchase I'm eyeing right now is Disney Infinity 2.0. The current bundle I'm considering stickers for about $170. I pity parents that have kids into both this and Skylanders. It's clever and cruel.

As for myself, it's plenty of WoW. I've been kicking around in the beta for the next expac for a few weeks, and tomorrow the pre-expac patch goes into effect. Time to get back over to the live game and hit some dungeons with my little warlock in preparation I guess.

Brandon - (<-- The Electric Sunshine Man, yo!) - Administrator
You know, Shadow of Mordor is on PC, as is MGS 5. So don't bring yourself down to the console peasant level!
David - ()
True, but my rig in that arena is getting a little long in the tooth as well. Sooner or later I need to sit down and build a completely new box, preferably one that can sit comfortably on an entertainment shelf.
fuzmeister - (The Real ST)
I haven't purchased a PS4 yet, but I might eventually grab one. I'd very much like to support Nintendo full-on again, but I can't deal with their gimmicks and lack of vision. They should at least be releasing hardware that can run the third party titles appearing on all other systems...

I've just got too many damn games on Steam and PS3 that need to be played. As much as I thought the PS+ program was cool, I ended up downloading so many games that never got played. It's the same thing with Steam sales and humble bundles; it's great to have cheaper games, but it ends up being a burden as well.

TL;DR I own too many games.
toodldo_4julie - ()
It is hard to justify a new console for that much money when the previous consoles still get the newly released games.

We bought the Wii U because of the number of kid-friendly games.. aside from that we will stick to our capable 360 and PS3 for a while.

David - ()
I've really been happy with the Wii U. Sure it's weaker in terms of performamce specs, and yes, "waggle" got very gimmicky on the Wii, but the Wii U gamepad just feels and works really well. I only wish the system could support more than one at time.

Granted, my experiences revolve solely around first party content; Mario Kart 8, NSMB, Super Mario 3d Land, and the Zelda WindWaker remaster (the reason I bought the system, gawd I love that game). The kids love it too, and I like that one of them can play it on the gamepad without tying up the associated TV.

I just auto-renewed on PS+ for another year, so I guess I should take another look at the PS store and see what's in there these days...
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