Kick names, take ass.

10-01-2019 7:40 pm
David: CNN Annoys Me
I've been running cable news in the background here lately. I try to flip around every hour or so, usually trying to ping pong between Fox News and CNN or MSNBC.

Fox News is ridiculously one-sided. It's almost comical the lengths they'll go to ignoring facts and pushing illogical leaps.

The same is true of CNN. I'm more annoyed with them, because the facts are generally on their side (and they definitely have a side). Embellishing just weakens their position and gives the opposition a foil.

Also, whoever there thinks saying "All the President's Men" every 5 seconds is clever should know, it's not.

One of my morning rituals is to say, "Alexa, play my news". She then gives me the top NPR and AP stories. The NPR reporting is factual, concise, and fairly unemotional. The AP reporting then starts with great fanfare and over-emoted reads.

I wish more news was like NPR.

fuzmeister - (The Real ST)
Interesting. When I looked up the most central/unbiased avenues for news, Associated Press was actually listed as one of the least opinionated... though I guess in podcast form their delivery is dramatic?

It's all bullshit to be honest. Being aware of current events is important, but advertising revenue has continued to ensure the delivery of most information is incredibly sensationalized to keep people tuning in and staying tuned in.

My greatest hope is that younger generations seeking information on-demand totally kill the 24 hour news outlet format. This is why we can't have nice things...
David - ()
The AP reporting itself is unbiased, which is why it stays in my morning feed. I just wish they didn?t need to blare a fanfare and the read the news with the intensity of someone who?s life depended on it.
David - ()
Flipping through posts and just noticed I used "who's" instead of whose. My shame is immense.
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