Kick names, take ass.

10-03-2008 6:37 pm
David: Civilization Revolution
I've never played Civilization.

I've always heard talk about it, and most of that talk contained glowing endorsements. I was always afraid that it would be another piece of electronic crack that I would likely become addicted to.

Then Noah recommended that I try out the console version. Since I just recently got my PS3, my game library was rather small. I borrowed his disc to give it a try.

God damn, do I love this game.

It continually frustrates me, but the lows make the highs that much more powerful. Noah and I have been rocking the multiplayer lately, and it's fun to steal or kill his settlers. The bitch slaps that Noah hands out for perpetrating such acts of war effectively negate whatever benefits I have achieved through them. I'm such a nOOb.

I will pwn him soon.

9-29-2008 7:38 pm
David: The Force Unleashed...
Except from load times.

Despite its flaws (and there are many) I still like this game. It reminds me a lot of Legacy of Kain: Defiance, except tighter and Star Warsy.

What I don't get are the load times. This fucking game pops up a load screen between menus, for chrissake. Seriously. It's not like the menus are even anything severe. Not sure what's going on there.

There are a few cheap deaths, and a few stupid button matching cut scene moments (I hate these, btw) but overall, I enjoy the gameplay. The ability to dramatically change the environment using the force is just awesome. The ability to be Darth Vader killing a Wookie is awesome.

If only this game could have been more Vader centric. Playing as Vader was the highlight of this game for me, and it lasted for only a few minutes.

What a rambling non review this is. Bottom line - If you've got some time to play it, rent it. If you don't have a lot of time to play it, buy it. Either way, check it out.

9-28-2008 2:21 pm
David: Go Watch Cool Hand Luke
At least we'll still see him in the grocery aisle.

9-11-2008 6:10 pm
David: Liar Liar, Pants on Fire
That's me.

New episode of Parallax City is up. Noah's starting to get a better feel for his look on this, and I'm digging it. Check us out and let me know what you think.

I'm still working out the logistics of how I'm going to handle the archives. The blog format doesn't do it for me, but neither do the standard "next" and "previous" links most folks use. I hope to have it all cleared up soon.

9-08-2008 7:14 pm
David: The Force Unleashed
I was really looking forward to The Force Unleashed.

I'm a bit concerned after reading this.

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