Kick names, take ass.

7-01-2008 4:31 pm
David: iPhone 3G Just Broke My Heart
Since the announcement of the iPhone 3G, I've been hoping to snag one when they come out.

Turns out, if you're not eligible for an upgrade, you can do an "early upgrade", but the price is $200 more than the announced $199 and $299.

Plus, the plans are locked down to certain restrictions that I'm not down with. We have a family plan, but the family option for iPhone assumes two iPhones.

Maybe at some point in the future I'll add a third iPhone line, but I doubt it.

It's an awesome device. It's too bad Apple has let it be mired down by their partnership with AT&T.

6-23-2008 2:34 pm
David: I'm Usually Pretty Glib About These
But this one actually hurts.

George Carlin has died. The smartest and most talented comic of the past several decades has left the building.


He would have had fun with that last sentence...

6-18-2008 4:42 pm
David: Firefox 3
Feels oddly like Safari...

6-15-2008 1:03 am
David: Posting While Drunk
I just wanted to get on the bandwagon.

6-05-2008 10:11 pm
David: New Ride
Sick of shelling out hundreds a month for gas, I am selling my pickup. You may remember me speaking of it before, although that post may have been replaced with a Flash animation...

This morning I picked up a new Honda Civic. I am going from 17 mpg to ~33 (haven't been able to test it against my driving habits yet). At any rate, it's like double the efficiency.

Which means I can fool myself into thinking gas is $2.00 a gallon for awhile.

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