Kick names, take ass.

6-01-2008 1:16 pm
David: Congratulations DNC, Way to Fuck Up a Primary
The decision of the RBC of the DNC to count and seat Florida and Michigan voting delegations with any vote whatsoever at this point is ridiculous. I understand the motivations for doing so, but they don't matter.

These people told the Democratic voters of both of these states before the election that their votes wouldn't count as their delegates would not be seated. Now, I don't know about the rest of you, but if the party tells me that my vote isn't going to count, I'm not going to go to the polls.

Now they've given Clinton a new metric to run around with, touting that she's the popular vote winner. Of course, when you consider that Obama's name wasn't on the Michigan ballot, it negates the slim margin of popular vote that Clinton has.

The decision to split Michigan delegates as they were (69 Clinton, 59 Obama) is also problematic. The only real option was to do this as a 50/50 split. There's no way that the vote that did happen can be counted as an accurate measure of the will of Democrats in that state.

So, in the end, we have a flip-flopping RBC that makes and takes rules back. If I was a citizen of one of these states, I would be angrier then ever. I would have missed my opportunity to vote for my party's candidate.

5-31-2008 8:18 pm
David: My Poor Playstation 2
It's been sitting lonely on the shelf, collecting dust, rarely spinning discs.

I'm trying to find it a new home. We'll see how that goes.

In other news, I started work on a blog idea I had last week. Unfortunately, I haven't yet had the time to devote to it I need to (we're painting our living room, which, with it's high ceilings, is quite a chore). I'm hoping to work on the site design in earnest over the course of next week, and have it completed by next weekend.

I've already started generating some content for it though, with the help of one individual. I hope to roll it out for real in mid-June.

5-24-2008 12:44 am
David: I Can...
If you haven't heard Flobots' Handlebars, go and listen to that shit now. This is some of the most potent lyricism I've heard in years.

5-21-2008 10:43 am
David: On The Rainslick Precipice of Darkness : Episode 1
I'm downloading this now. I have high hopes. Not for a great game per say, but for Penny Arcade hilarity.

5-14-2008 11:26 am
David: too bad resuscitation isn't Retroactive I
It's early, and that's the best I could do. Create your own puns about death and combines, if you wish.

Robert Rauschenberg

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