Kick names, take ass.

6-08-2015 8:32 pm
David: Ship of Theseus
I don't want to talk to much about this book for fear of taking away from the experience for others, but I did want to share it because it reminds me of one of my favorites, House of Leaves.

While not a perfect experience, the craftsmanship that went into this book is apparent and I feel like there's more for me to get out of it than I did on my first run through. I'll probably re-approach it with a fresh mind in a few weeks.

1-15-2015 7:09 pm
David: I hate winter
It's cold outside and there's too little sunlight.

Just thought you should know.

11-14-2014 3:28 pm
David: Dear Brandon,
I think comments are broken.

Warm Regards,

P.S. Build a lumber mill and upgrade your mine as soon as is possible.

10-20-2014 3:51 pm
David: Addendum on Destiny
I played it. It was as expected. A fairly tight shooter, but one where punching someone in the face does damage akin to a half dozen bullets to the chest. There's a lot of unnecessary loading (leaving the map only to select a new quest and go back to the same map). The MMO hooks will grab a lot of the CoD audience, but it's not for me.

10-13-2014 4:56 pm
David: Video Games
I still don't own a PS4. There hasn't yet been a compelling reason for me to pick one up. I'm receiving conflicting reports on Destiny, but it sounds suspiciously like an FPS MMO which is, like, no thanks. Shadow of Mordor does look interesting. I've derisively referred to it as Assassin's Creed: The Hobbit based on footage I've seen. Same footage has shown it to be not great at anticipating player behavior though. Metal Gear, as always, will probably be the series that sells me a PlayStation. Not that I'm dying to play it or anything, but at this point it's kind of tradition.

The biggest game purchase I'm eyeing right now is Disney Infinity 2.0. The current bundle I'm considering stickers for about $170. I pity parents that have kids into both this and Skylanders. It's clever and cruel.

As for myself, it's plenty of WoW. I've been kicking around in the beta for the next expac for a few weeks, and tomorrow the pre-expac patch goes into effect. Time to get back over to the live game and hit some dungeons with my little warlock in preparation I guess.

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