Kick names, take ass.

10-11-2013 7:43 pm
David: Some Games I'm Playing

  • Grand Theft Auto V - Like it. Best in this series to date.

  • Shadow of the Colossus - Still love it. Sage is fascinated by it.

  • Surgeon Simulator - An amusing toy.

  • Gunpoint - Lots of fun. Concept is just high enough to be baffling but accessible.

  • Plants vs. Zombies 2 - Didn't play the first one. Kind of like this one.

  • Disney Infinity - Fun on the couch with the kids. I've spent way too much money on figures and power discs. The figures are surprisingly well made.

  • Fallout: New Vegas - Need to tie up some loose ends on my second play through. Much more in the spirit of the original 2 games than Fallout 3 was.

  • The Room - I've played through this about once a month since it came out just to marvel at how well put together it is. Most fun you can have on an iPad.

  • Guess Who? - Asked Sage if her person was black. She asked me what I meant. Didn't know how to proceed.

7-16-2013 8:06 pm
David: Steam Summer Sale
So far I've picked up the Borderlands 2 DLC and Fallout:New Vegas. I'm patiently awaiting the new Civ V DLC to hit half off. Patiently.

In the meantime, I got swept up in to Steam trading cards. People are spending real world money on these things (pennies, but still). I'm not profiting, however. I've been selling off my non-Half-Life 2 cards and picking up HL2 cards on the market with the proceeds. In the end I've got a fully leveled up HL2 badge (granddad fought the war for this) and $0.17 jingling in my Steam wallet.

Until I go to craft the "Summer Getaway Badge". 3 cards left to go...

11-14-2012 8:16 pm
David: Taxes, Loopholes, Killers, and Nintendo
Letting temporary tax cuts expire is not "raising taxes" any more than a sale at the grocery store ending is "raising prices".

Also, where is this list of loopholes that we can close? Has it materialized yet? I would take this plan seriously if it existed anywhere outside of hypothesis.

Assassin's Creed 3 was a bit of a disappointment. I imagine Hitman Absolution will be as well, but I'm too far invested in both franchises not to remain a fan.

Anybody getting a Wii U at launch? The whole system looks like a pass for me. At least until it has a Zelda title. Which will probably be another disappointment.

10-12-2012 9:30 pm
David: Reddit? Whovians? Arts!
So...I've been spending a lot of time on Reddit for the past few months. Are any of the rest of you lot Redditors?

In other news, I've gotten way into Doctor Who lately. My iPhone ringtones and alerts are now all Doctor Who themed (previously these were from the Zelda universe).

Remember when I used to write a webcomic? The artist in that venture has grown by leaps and bounds since we started, and he gave me one hell of an assist last week. See, Reddit has these gift exchanges, and I signed up for the Doctor Who one. My match turned out to be a pin-up model who loves fan art.

So, mix this whole post together, and you get this. I was blown away, but that was nothing compared to the message that I got from the recipient. It feels good to make a stranger's day.

Oh, and should Noah find his way to this post...thanks again, dude. You fucking rocked it.

6-25-2012 7:59 pm
David: Had to Do a Double Take
At first glance, I thought this guy was either Archimago or his less vent-prolific twin Demannu...

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