Kick names, take ass.

12-09-2011 9:39 pm
David: You Guys Are All Playing Skyrim, Right?
Or did you take an arrow to the knee?

11-29-2011 8:58 pm
David: Fans
The temperature sensor (thermometer?) on my work PC's motherboard is reporting -200 degrees Celsius. The logic sees this as an error, and runs the fans at full speed. Unfortunately, the machine still works.

So now I'm sitting next to the audiotory equivalent of a window ac unit waiting for my new computer to arrive. It's driving me slightly mad.

10-06-2011 11:52 am
David: Steve
My favorite trait that Apple's products have exhibited since Steve Jobs's return as CEO is restraint. The life lesson that I'm taking from Steve isn't one that I ever heard him say out loud, but one that the products he helped shape seemed to communicate clearly.

You don't need to do everything half-ass, just do what's important really well.

5-02-2011 3:35 am
David: This Counts For 50 Obit Posts
Osama Bin Laden. Dead.

Donald Trump is taking the credit.

4-27-2011 8:38 pm
David: The Boycotter's Conundrum
How can I refuse to give my money to both Microsoft and Sony and remain a console gamer?

Why'd you have to go and mess this up for us, Sony? Me and you had a good thing going. I taught myself how to control a FPS with dual analogs for you, for fuck's sake! I've played the Portal 2 single player campaign through 3 times now, and twice it was with you. God help me, I preferred it with you.

L.A. Noire comes out next month. I must have it. Begrudgingly I'll have to accept you again. You may have played loose and fast with my personal information, but it's just too late in this generation for me to invest in the other guy.

Fair warning, however. We may need to revisit the status of our relationship when the next generation of consoles begins.

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