Vent: A blog, of sorts.
Kick names, take ass.
What happened Tuesday night?
Demannu at 6-07-2004 6:59 am
Here is what we know:

He offered to promote her.
She wasn't qualified, but he offered to promote her.
They were buddy, buddy.
He kept playing sappy love songs on the jukebox.
They were buddy, buddy.
The doors were locked.
The cook went home.
They were left alone.
She brought her uniforms in the next day.
She told the person on duty to give them to that bastard.
His supervisor had to find her another job.
She now works at headquarters.
His supervisor took him into the back room.
He closed the door.
They were alone for two hours.

Comments (5)

David () says:
Archimago () says:
And that is how I met my wife.
Nathan Tyree (Overwhelmed by existential angst) says:
I keep giggling about this. It's a mystery indeed. Perhaps we will never know.
David () says:
"If you can find it, would you...?"
fuzmeister (The Real ST) says:
Wow - hearing about other people's successful relationships is so unfulfilling
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