Vent: A blog, of sorts.
Kick names, take ass.
Archimago at 9-01-2009 3:17 am
Just watched 9/11 Science and Conspiracy on National Geographic.
Nothing really new.

Conspiracy theorists make claims, science is used to debunk claims, conspiracy theorists shift arguments or deny validity of science.

I did have a favorite part. The truthers call the scientist that set up the ballistics test. They question his methods. He asks them if his tests validate the evidence. They say that it is "one theory". The scientist asks what other theory fits. The truthers stare at each other for a second, then say that there are so many that they wouldn't go into it.

Elsewhere today:
At work, my boss is constantly talking about her religion. Today I completed a commercial for a local church. The sales person and my boss start discussing God and doubt. The sales person says that he can understand why some people doubt the existence of God when someone they love dies. My boss adds that is especially true when a murderer keeps on living.

I looked at them with the straightest face I could muster and said "yeah, it's almost as if they were two completely unrelated events".

Comments (2)

David () says:
I imagine their blank stares as they tried to process your response, failed, and went back to their conversation.
nTYREE () says:
Gotta love Truthers
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