2-HeadedGiraffe: Mircosoft Works, Mircrosoft Works Not, Microsoft Works...
I found someone who has Mircosoft Works! While that's really not that hard to do, I never really thought of asking the people who might have had it whether or not they did when I was talking to them. Now, though, I happened to get someone with Microsoft Works to take my Works files and save them as a format I can read! I can read my files again!

That, of course, is the danger of reformatting without the backup disks of all the standard install stuff that comes on the computer. That and some other stuff, but mostly that.

RTF freakin' rocks. That's "Rich Text Format," a type of text file which can theoretically be read by an program, not "Real Time $*#@ing," a new sub-genre of the rhythm games which are so popular these days.

I've been looking through some stuff I wrote in college this evening. Interesting stuff, some of which involves parking lots.

Mood: Alright, I suppose. Happy about Works!
Music: Cletus T. Judd - Any Gal of Mine
Browsing: The only site I could find to mention both Rich Text Format and New Car Smell.

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