2-HeadedGiraffe: Protection...but at what cost?
A while back, I picked up this year's version of Norton Antivirus because my old subscription was running out, and I like to keep my machine protected. So I install it, and everything's going fine, then it starts being annoying. Almost every time I try to download a file, it's scanning for spyware and this and that. I think I have one program that actually reinstalls its own spyware, which prompts Norton to remove that spyware every time I run that program. It's one of those filesharing programs, so basically every time I try to get some music, it puts its spyware on my computer and Norton reremoves it. Annoying, but keeping Norton running has (apparently) protected my from some nasty stuff, too. It's reported blocking several problematic files and stuff. So it's all good.

Location of Laptop: On the bed.
Location of Bed: In the room.
Location of Room: In the house.

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