Kick names, take ass.
10-15-2006 11:47 am
2-HeadedGiraffe: Abridged Version
After viewing a certain movie which shall remain nameless, I think I should just have made my post about the nuclear weapons detonations read as follows:

"They did it. They finally did it. They blew it up."

with the whole thing being a link to the article.

Comments (1)

10-09-2006 1:53 pm
2-HeadedGiraffe: Don't Be Stupid
Have you heard about North Korea's nuclear weapon test? Apparently, last night about 10 or so EST, North Korea tested a nuclear weapon.

If you check the article (sorry to always use the same site as my source), you'll see that a large number of nations have already publicly denounced the test, though Cambodia's additional plea for the US to officially state that it won't invade North Korea was particularly interesting.

Come on, people. The most powerful single nation in the world (that's debatable, but I mean the US) has a loose cannon with his finger on the button.

Don't be stupid, North Korea.

Mood: Oh, what a world!
Music: John Lennon - Give Peace a Chance
Etc.: Bedtime (I currently work 3rd shift)

Comments (5)

10-07-2006 1:26 pm
2-HeadedGiraffe: Do the math.
When we start converting sentences into mathematical terms, the word "is" typically means "=" as they both show that two things are the same. Let's look at an example:

Love = Blind
God = Love

If we substitute God back into the original equation, we get a detail about the LORD about which the Bible is strangely silent.

God = Blind


God is blind. Keep in mind, though, that:

Justice = blind

Substituting God back in again:

God = Justice

So He's blind, but He's just. If I think of the expressions some more, and some other ones, I could probably carry the equation out much farther to prove all sorts of interesting things about God.

How many of you have seen the mathematical proof that women are evil, for example, or that Barney is the devil?

Mood: Blinded by Justice!
Music: George Harrison - My Sweet Lord
Etc.: The Tick animated series DVD, volume 1

Comments (4)

9-27-2006 1:25 pm
2-HeadedGiraffe: Whales and Stuff
If there's a Sperm Whale, how come the female isn't an egg whale?

If there's an antelope, why isn't the male an uncletelope?

These are the kinds of things over which I lose sleep.

Mood: Confused (in a sarcastic kind of way)
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Today: ...failed

Comments (7)

9-21-2006 7:56 pm
2-HeadedGiraffe: Politics, from "poly" meaning many, and "ticks" which are blood-sucking arachnids
The quiz Fuzmeister linked to and just about everyone seems to have taken now was fairly short, not extremely detailed in any way, and led to results which many of those who have taken it consider questionable, at best. In order to accurately guage someone's political viewpoints, you could use a much longer test, or perhaps some other method altogether.

That being said, I'm definately in favor of something like this. In fact, I've suggested (partially seriously, at times) using a system not unlike this to replace voting. See, my problem with voting is that you get a large number of people who don't understand the issues, don't really know much about the candidates, but are swayed by the more expensive or persuasive smear campaign (side note: it would be interesting to see how often the more expensive does win. I don't know). Letting anyone vote is like asking everyone in the country for advice. You wouldn't ask someone who knows nothing about cars for advice on your vehicle. Why are we asking people who know nothing about government to make crucial decisions about it?

So my proposal is this: you go to the polls, you take a survey to determine where you stand on the key issues, and the system automatically votes for the candidate that's the best match for you. The questions would ask how you feel about different things, as well as how important they are to you, so that the biggest issues for you could be weighted more heavily when it casts your vote. Where your vote goes could probably be determined by simply matching your results against those of the candidates themselves, almost like some sort of political dating service. In this way, the people would still pick their own leaders, but it would circumvent the problem of voter ignorance.

Yes, I'm sure this system would have its own problems, and purists will probably say it's not democratic, but come on people! Try a little something new.

Mood: Fine, I suppose
Music: The click of keys and the hum of the laptop's fan
Etc: My Lexar jumpdrive

Comments (13)

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