Kick names, take ass.
4-05-2006 1:14 pm
2-HeadedGiraffe: What? Who told you that?
I was explaining to someone I work with the other day the history of my life and how one of the greatest loses I've ever known has lead to everything I currently have in my life. It's odd to think about sometimes, but everything you have is the product of every single thing that's happened to you. Some events just throw you completely off the path you may otherwise have followed. This probably seems pretty obvious, but to me, it's interesting to take basically anything and trace it back to one of these crucial events, most of which all can be traced back to one key event in my life. The odd thing was that the person to whom I was talking did not seem to be able to trace things back like that, at least not to one event like that. I wonder whether other people can?

Mood: Pretty good, overall
Music: Videos on VH1 - Bon Jovi "Who Says You Can't Go Home?"
Etc.: My keys, sitting on top of my wallet on my table.

Comments (4)

3-21-2006 1:17 am
2-HeadedGiraffe: Post for which I forgot a title.
I was planning to go out and do some writing today at the library, but apparently they're closed on Sundays. When I try to write at home, there are so many distractions, it's difficult to get anything accomplished, especially with all the noise around here. Also, if I get stuck, there're too many other things to do. When I'm somewhere else, I don't have anywhere to go or anything to do but just press on and write something, even if it's not what I'll end up keeping. When I'm in a public place like that, it's just so much easier to focus. Even now, I'm posting and watching TV, and sometimes my brother talking downstairs or the TV he's watching almost drowns out what I'm doing. Stupid place.

Mood: Mildly annoyed
Watching: Sliders
Irritating noise in the background: Well, I think this one's fairly self-explanatory.

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3-18-2006 4:42 pm
2-HeadedGiraffe: Protection...but at what cost?
A while back, I picked up this year's version of Norton Antivirus because my old subscription was running out, and I like to keep my machine protected. So I install it, and everything's going fine, then it starts being annoying. Almost every time I try to download a file, it's scanning for spyware and this and that. I think I have one program that actually reinstalls its own spyware, which prompts Norton to remove that spyware every time I run that program. It's one of those filesharing programs, so basically every time I try to get some music, it puts its spyware on my computer and Norton reremoves it. Annoying, but keeping Norton running has (apparently) protected my from some nasty stuff, too. It's reported blocking several problematic files and stuff. So it's all good.

Location of Laptop: On the bed.
Location of Bed: In the room.
Location of Room: In the house.

Comments (5)

3-16-2006 8:22 pm
2-HeadedGiraffe: Just a post. Nothing to see here.
Just thought I would check out this whole Vent2 thing since I heard it was up and running and whatnot now.

Let's looks like my last post was around the holidays. What's happened since then? Let's see, I switched from the electronic department to the paper goods and chemicals department at the International Retail Chain. Now I sell household cleaners, paper towels, laundry detergants, etc. I broke up with my girlfriend. Other than that, not a whole lot has been going on recently. So, yeah, nothing particularly important has happened since my last post. I'm living La Vida Aburrida (I think I spelled that right; maybe not).

Lately, I've been spending some time on my days off at the library writing. I'm working on a piece I started quite some time ago called The Tipsy Turtle, the story of the patrons of a tavern in the kingdom of Hyr. So far, I've spent time on two of my days off working on it, and I have about thirty-one pages written. It's going pretty well, and I'm having a decent time at it.

Music: They Might Be Giants
Mood: Unknown...I need one of those rings.
Green Objects in Easy View: 6

Comments (4)

12-11-2005 10:11 pm
2-HeadedGiraffe: K-Bob's going Christmas shopping.
I'm one of those Atheists who somehow gets drawn into celebrating a holiday supposedly origined to celebrate the birth of the earthly incarnation of another faith's deity. I go to one church service (because my uncle leads it, not because I believe or even pretend to believe), then I forget what he said and indulge in senseless greed and consumerism. Personally, I'm not greedy. I don't like the way I'm expected to want people to give me things just because it's a particular time of year. But I do it. Tonight I'm going Christmas shopping. If I can do it all in one foul swoop, so much the better. Scrooge and I would have gotten along well. Not that I hate Christmas. I don't think he did, either. It's just that we both see it as something of a waste of time and energy. It's still fun, but it's awfully pointless.

Mood: Cheery as a wombat in summer.

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