Kick names, take ass.
5-04-2005 5:02 pm
2-HeadedGiraffe: Contrary to a previous point...
The game I'm playing currently, Baten Kaitos, is relatively free of majorly annoying things, even when it gets difficult. When you die (which happened to me several times on this one particular battle where there was nowhere around to rest and no way I could level up, so it was win or start over - a poor design choice, IMHO, but the game DOES warn you), you have the option of just restarting the battle. If you choose that, you can refigure your characters' equipment and decks (everything, from attacking to healing to magic is done with cards) before the new battle. Very quick; you don't have to watch conversations and sequences leading up to the battle over and over if you're losing.

Besides that, I hit a point where the story throws you through a loop I'd be amazed if anyone saw coming. A particular detail about how the story works lets them do something you wouldn't consider pulloffable. It works pretty well. Most of the plot is fairly typical, but this part is just out there.

Overall, good game. I'd probably give it a 7. Not as complex or unique as a Final Fantasy or anything (those always were my favorites), but still a fun play. The battles are really long, but they still manage to be very fun, probably since they're so active, while maintaining a definate turn-based structure.

Music: Background music on the TV
Browsing: Titleular Source...perhaps.

Comments (1)

4-30-2005 4:41 am
2-HeadedGiraffe: Life? Don't talk to me about life!
So Fuzmeister and I saw The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy tonight with another friend of ours. Now, despite what certain sources say, the movie is VERY VERY well done. It's been a while since I read the books, but everything I remember says that it was close to the book, and it was really funny.

The movie implemented lots of direct quotes from the novel, which added lots of interesting background. The interface for the guide itself was simple but very well done. Overall, the visual effect of the movie was just very impressive.

In addition, I just practically couldn't stop laughing throughout the whole length of the film.

If you see one sci-fi movie this season see The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Oh, and maybe that other no-name flick coming out next month.

Mood: Not panicing.
Music: I wish I were listening to that big musical number from the movie again, but I'm not.

Comments (1)

4-23-2005 10:09 pm
2-HeadedGiraffe: Observation
Did you ever notice how you can't spell "funeral" without "fun"? The people who made this language up had a morbid sense of humor, I think.

Comments (3)

4-20-2005 8:18 pm
2-HeadedGiraffe: Not the complete works of Shakesphere
If you chain a thousand monkeys to a thousand computers, then kill the monkeys, you still end up with better designed games than some of the ones I've been playing.

No, but seriously, there's just a lot of little things in games that annoy me a lot. If I ever made a game, it wouldn't be like these.

Mood: Grr...
Music: NOT VG music, that's for dang sure.
Browsing: 1,000 Monkey working their butts off

Comments (2)

4-19-2005 4:36 pm
2-HeadedGiraffe: The army's new webwar campaign
I hate pop-up ads, especially when I'm using a browser that's supposed to block them all. They keep showing up, though. They've come up with new kinds, like those ones from the thrice-damned army which just show up in the middle of the page in a window that's not really a window at all, but at least you can close it. They've invaded foreign countries, and now they're invading MY internet. I think they've gone TOO FAR!

Mood: Pissed
Music: Background music on the TV show I'm watching.

Comments (1)

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