Kick names, take ass.
1-12-2005 10:21 am
2-HeadedGiraffe: I hear that President Taft is one bad mother -SHUT YOUR MOUTH - but I'm talkin' 'bout Taft! -THEN I CAN DIG IT!
I don't know where that title came from. Obviously, it's comparing President Taft to Shaft.

The Dark Master of Dead Presidents is surely already scheming his return to the Earth to enact his vengance. The last time he attempted to invade the Earth...well, he embarrassed himself, miserably. This year, though, he'll be better prepared, with reinforcements.

In news anyone might understand, I tried making a phone call to a particular lady I know today, but apparently her phone's been disconnected or something. So that sucks. Speaking of ladies, my boss and coworkers seem to think I was hitting on a customer at work the other day. Also, another lady seems to be convinced that she has to hook me up with someone. Okay, that's all I have to say about the ladies today.

Various things which have occurred have made me quite glad this is the first of my three nights off.

Music: Keane - Somewhere Only We Know on VH1 - mediocre video so far, just him singing in the forest.
Browsing: Taft!

Comments (2)

1-09-2005 1:07 pm
2-HeadedGiraffe: <(*(..)*)>
"Mary's Eyes" (I think that's the title) and "Walk Through My Door" are, like, semi-officially my favorite songs on this massive MP3 CD Fuzmeister gave me. It includes Gaelic Storm, the Beatles, Simple Plan, and Los Lonely Boys, and it works in the CD player of my new car. Yay.

Things scare and upset me, but that's life.

If Cap'n Morgan will agree to sail away with me when the winter's over, everything will be okay.


Mood: Palindromatic
Music: None.
Browsing: I think I have some of these.

Comments (9)

1-04-2005 12:36 pm
2-HeadedGiraffe: Because I haven't posted in a while...
Some random news thingies...

1)I take possession of my new car this evening.

2)I am happy because there are no MAJOR holidays for months and months (I only like holidays because of getting to see my friends).

3)I had a bizarre phone conversation with a complete stranger last night around 2:30 AM, yet I haven't called a certain person I'd really like to see in too long.

4)I started re-reading Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time novels after speaking to several people about them but not really being able to remember hardly any of the details.

5)Another conversation I had around the time of the one mentioned in #3 involved thoroughly confusing a Vent user. You know who you are, but you don't know who the picture I showed you was ;)

6)This was formatted a little nicer, but I don't know how to keep it looking like that. HTML must have some way, but what it is I know not.

Mood: Buflaxlish, in a frebmockly sort of way
Music: Gaelic Storm
Browsing: Random Stuff

Comments (3)

12-26-2004 9:54 am
2-HeadedGiraffe: Project Vengence is proceding acording to plan.
My laptop (nicknamed Vengence after the ongoing Project Vengence of which it is a part) will undergo a full harddrival lobotomy starting at 2:00 PM today, if all goes according to plan. I'm hoping to have its personality restored, though probably not all of its memories, by late afternoon when His Fuzziness and I shall be attending a gathering of enlightened souls (or a Christmas party...I can't remember which).

I always seem to get invited last minute to go places with Steve, which is interesting. Most of the time it seems to happen because the people involved either don't realize I'd be able to attend or don't think I'd want to. This is (at least) the third time I can think of. Of course, they could pull a last minute switcheroo and tell me I can't come, but I doubt that since they seemed to like me well enough when last we met.

I hope y'all had merry Christmases and whatnot. Happy Impact!

Mood: If you hurt Vengence, I'll $@#* you up!
Music: My own laughter at that previous statement (which no one had better take seriously, or I'll open a can of whupass on 'em)
Browsing: Can of Wyrms

Comments (2)

12-25-2004 11:17 am
2-HeadedGiraffe: Huh? What post?, there wasn't a different post in this spot. Y'all just imagined it. Yeah, they'll buy that.

It's Christmas morning as I'm writing this. I took a nap for about three hours, but otherwise I probably won't sleep until a little after this point tomorrow morning. Festivities and whatnot, don'tcha know?

Steve figured out my post with the numbered statements to a great enough degree that I helped him with the rest. That is to say that he got all the ones who were people he knew, and came close on one who he hasn't actually met (but might possibly in the future, but don't hold your breath).

With all the chaos of the holiday season, I'm hoping today goes by quickly. It looks like my plans for New Year's Eve are going to fall through. I'm upset, but I understand why it's going to happen and I'm not going to try to stop it. I don't know what I'll do that night, though. Maybe I'll call this one lady I know. Who knows? So basically, I'll be pretty happy when things even out again and the world returns to at least semi-normaliy. I prefer days to holidays, anyways.

After New Year's, things should be relatively smoothe sailing until summer. I'll go back to my normal routine where I never see much of anyone and don't do hardly anything outside of work. It's nice and not-nice at the same time, if that makes sense. Routine is something to sink into, a way to fall into a rhythm and forget how things really are for a moment.

Mood: ______________....yes, I'm feeling all underscory
Music: From the musical version of A Christmas Carol, I Hate People
Browsing: Forthright's Phrontistery

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