Kick names, take ass.
12-25-2004 11:17 am
2-HeadedGiraffe: Huh? What post?, there wasn't a different post in this spot. Y'all just imagined it. Yeah, they'll buy that.

It's Christmas morning as I'm writing this. I took a nap for about three hours, but otherwise I probably won't sleep until a little after this point tomorrow morning. Festivities and whatnot, don'tcha know?

Steve figured out my post with the numbered statements to a great enough degree that I helped him with the rest. That is to say that he got all the ones who were people he knew, and came close on one who he hasn't actually met (but might possibly in the future, but don't hold your breath).

With all the chaos of the holiday season, I'm hoping today goes by quickly. It looks like my plans for New Year's Eve are going to fall through. I'm upset, but I understand why it's going to happen and I'm not going to try to stop it. I don't know what I'll do that night, though. Maybe I'll call this one lady I know. Who knows? So basically, I'll be pretty happy when things even out again and the world returns to at least semi-normaliy. I prefer days to holidays, anyways.

After New Year's, things should be relatively smoothe sailing until summer. I'll go back to my normal routine where I never see much of anyone and don't do hardly anything outside of work. It's nice and not-nice at the same time, if that makes sense. Routine is something to sink into, a way to fall into a rhythm and forget how things really are for a moment.

Mood: ______________....yes, I'm feeling all underscory
Music: From the musical version of A Christmas Carol, I Hate People
Browsing: Forthright's Phrontistery

Comments (3)

12-22-2004 12:52 pm
2-HeadedGiraffe: Somewhat familiar, but more to the point.
I can't take it anymore. I say that all the time, but I somehow manage to make it through, and things find their way around to getting worse. It just all builds up higher and higher. There are some things I'd like to say, but I'll leave it up to you to figure out who they're to and what they mean.

1) I don't hate you, but I hate what you represent to me.

2) I hate having to lie to you, but it's how it has to be right now.

3) Go to hell.

4) Stop calling me. I never want to see you again.

5) I want to see you again. I really miss you.

6) You give me something no one else ever has, something I don't want to lose.

7) You really scare me sometimes. Leave me alone.

8) I'm sorry.

9) What the hell were you thinking?

Mood: :) :( >:( >:)
Music: More Gaelic Storm - Bonnie Ship The Diamond/Tamlinn
Browsing: Quotes from his Badassliness, Mike Tyson

Comments (5)

12-21-2004 12:53 pm
2-HeadedGiraffe: :)
I'm posting this before I go to bed this morning after a night working at the international retail chain. One of the sites I normally read in the morning isn't updating because of the proximity of the holidays, so I have some extra time before bed.

I'm listening to MP3s Steve gave me...Gaelic Storm is oddly haunting. That's not the right word, really, but it's sort of happy and sad at the same time, something really hard to describe. I want to put it on a mini-disk and listen to it at work, but I don't think I have batteries for my player.

I've been playing Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life which Steve gave me for Christmas. Who'd have thought milking cows, watering crops, and eating weeds (I haven't grown too much worth eating) could be such fun?

I need more wall-scrolls.

Mood: Not bad.
Music: Johnny Jump Up/Morrison's Jig - Gaelic Storm
Browsing: You are here.

Comments (4)

12-13-2004 9:42 pm
2-HeadedGiraffe: Topic line that has nothing to do with the post.
Why do people say they'll do something, then not do it? And why am I not mad, just sort of...disappointed, maybe? Maybe I started it, I don't know.

I've been listening to Christmas music lately, even though I don't like Christmas and don't believe the Christ existed. It's like the song says "He's just a man and any damage done will be alright." Or like the other song says "Where's your Messiah? Woot!"

Oh, btw, I'm officially going to hell now (for about the dozenth time).

Mood: :-)
Music: The theme from
Browsing: All the linkage you'll ever need.

Comments (5)

12-11-2004 9:53 pm
2-HeadedGiraffe: Go figure.
Now this one really confuses me. What I couldn't accomplish in six days off last week, I do in the first fifteen minutes of waking up today. Go figure. I worked four days so now I have three more off. My shifts are ten hours, so I get a week's worth of hours in four nights. Nice, huh?

I finished playing Metroid Prime the other day, though I might go back and try to find more items and stuff to see a better ending. Excellent game, recommended to anyone who's enjoyed the rest of the series or is just looking for an unusual sort of gaming experience. It's just enough of a shooter for it not to be a platformer, and just enough of a platformer not to be completely puzzle-based.

I watched the Love Hina Christmas movie, Silent Eve again last night before work. I'm sure I'll watch it plenty more times before the season's over. Figures pretty much the only Christmas movie I'm planning to watch is an anime. Anyone who likes anime and hasn't seen Love Hina should ask Santa for the new boxset that's out. It includes the two movies, the whole series, and the OAV, which wasn't that good, but still! I'm jealous!

Mood: That's so wonderful! Ikiterunda! Yamerarenai, akirameru da nante.
Music: My Love Hina NOST (non-original soundtrack)
Browsing: Sakura Saka

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