Kick names, take ass.
12-06-2004 1:51 pm
2-HeadedGiraffe: Quarter to 10 rent
How is it I can have six nights off and not accomplish a simple task I wanted to? I had plenty of time for games and drawing and anime, but somehow I didn't get around to what was really important. One more night off, but my car's going in for an oil change, so I'll be awake for awhile yet and maybe get up too late in the day. I'm already tired!

Mood: Tired...confused...
Music: Aqua - "Barbie Girl" on continuous loop...and I don't know why.
Browsing: The Eternal Page of the Sacred Nothinness.

Comments (3)

12-05-2004 2:34 am
2-HeadedGiraffe: Vengence is mine!
I went back and kicked those pirates' EXPLITIVE DELETED in Metroid Prime. EXPLITIVE DELETED, yeah! I EXPLITIVE DELETEDed their EXPLITIVE DELETEDing EXPLITIVE DELETEDes!

In non-video game related news, my mother and I switched rooms, so I'm setup on the balcony now above the greatroom.

Music: "U2 - Love and Peace or Else." Vash the Stampede would love it.
Browsing: Link

Comments (4)

12-03-2004 7:47 am
2-HeadedGiraffe: No random quotes...or are there?
Lately I've been working on my writing a bit. I finished a story I'd started a while ago, and started drawing a few new strips for my previously-online comic. I guess I'm on something of a minor creative streak. Of course, with a few exceptions, no one on here knows about any of this stuff, so talking about it is sort of pointless.

I must have played Metroid Prime (the first one, which I'm borrowing from the Fuzmeister, not the second one) for an hour without hitting a save point, finally getting gunned down by one of those gods dagnabbed ice pirates, who would have gone down with one charged shot. We'll just ignore the fact that a lot of that time was wasted on a relatively simple puzzle that I missed a major part of altogether. Vengence is scheduled for exactly later o'clock.

I've also been rewatching the anime series "Tenchi is Tokyo." I don't like the voice acting as much as in the other Tenchi series and the animation isn't always as nice. Plus, there are some really lame moments in it. And yet, I still thoroughly enjoy it.

Mood: Content as a wombat, angry as a walrus
Music: A random list containing nearly 200 MP3s (mostly ripped from CDs I own)
Browsing: The Seven Deadly Sins

Comments (7)

11-24-2004 3:42 pm
2-HeadedGiraffe: Curse the action, Curse the actor?
This goes with the response to my previous post, but I hate racking up the comments on my own posts by making lots of them myself, so it's a new post.

Be forewarned, this is an exploration of a though-line, not a complaint. Please do not assume I am angry or upset in any way. Check the mood below if you don't believe me.

If someone curses my post, but does not curse me, have I been cursed? I say "yes" because the cursing was a direct result of my actions. I was the one who caused him to curse. Of course, you could say I caused him to curse but not at me, but indirectly, the curse is directed at me because he dislikes the way I chose to post.

Did my post warrent cursing? I personally like doing those sorts of posts. That one was a bit transparent; too easily the quotes could be pieced together to figure out at least one of the conversations being referenced. I'd prefer to make anyone reading think a little bit more than that, but still potentially get something out of it.

The key issue here is what the point of Ventilation is. If my goal here is to entertain the other posters, clarity might be considered an issue. Entertainment is successful only in so far as it actually entertains. I would argue, however, that the name implies something else. The purpose of Ventilation is to vent whatever the poster in question happens to be thinking or feeling. Ironically, this point justifies both my post and cursing in response to it. To me, it seems this has worked out perfectly.

None of this bothers me, by the way, I just felt like rambling a bit.

Mood: Playfull
Music: Music from Disney movies (the old ones, with the good music)

Comments (13)

11-23-2004 9:51 pm
2-HeadedGiraffe: And now, a rebutal
"You know I don't agree with you on this matter. Just thought you should know, even though you already do."

"Not you. It's just a general statement."

"I don't either, but the fact is, marajuana is less dangerous than alcohol."

"Some people like the number 150."

"Oh, I think I've heard of that, actually, now that you mention it."

"I don't like the idea of it being in grocery stores and gas stations and stuff, though."

"Is it? Is it really?"

"Nothing happens around here. Nothing changes."

Mood: What's a mood?
Music: Steve Thompson - Untitled # 1

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