Kick names, take ass.
11-23-2004 9:51 pm
2-HeadedGiraffe: And now, a rebutal
"You know I don't agree with you on this matter. Just thought you should know, even though you already do."

"Not you. It's just a general statement."

"I don't either, but the fact is, marajuana is less dangerous than alcohol."

"Some people like the number 150."

"Oh, I think I've heard of that, actually, now that you mention it."

"I don't like the idea of it being in grocery stores and gas stations and stuff, though."

"Is it? Is it really?"

"Nothing happens around here. Nothing changes."

Mood: What's a mood?
Music: Steve Thompson - Untitled # 1

Comments (5)

11-18-2004 12:11 am
2-HeadedGiraffe: LEROY Lives
I been told that I should start posting again, but I don't know what I should post about. Life has been more or less unchanged in the past few months. I've just been spending my nights at the international retail chain, spending my time off playing video games, watching anime and hanging out.

Speaking of anime, why in the hells can't my local anime dealer manage to get a copy of the last volume of Lain in stock? I want to know how it ends. Not that I'm sure I know what's happened so far, but whatever. I started it, it's interesting, I have to see it through to the end. Even if it destroys me. Why does Brandon like it so much? I must understand!

Okay, phone. Must go.

Mood: I don't know.
Music: Liz Phair

Comments (2)

7-07-2004 3:02 am
2-HeadedGiraffe: Red alert!
"That just totally blows my mind."

"I don't understand these things. They're hard to deal with and talk about."

"Perhaps we do...but I assume you and I do not experience the same emotions."

"Weird. Am I high or am I low? Moving forwards, or just going around again? The future has become unclear...."

"Life isn't just a game, and even if it was, I'm no game master."

"I'm not talking about that."

"I'm not used to the way things have been lately. It confuses me."

"Because keeping the secret is too hard!"

Mood: ???
Music: Anything depressing...

Comments (2)

6-22-2004 12:28 am
2-HeadedGiraffe: LEROY is born
I've just read Fuzmeister's last few posts, and a connection occurs to me. A scary connection.

If Lancaster county is the fourth safest place to live, and so many animals get hit by cars here, how dangerous are the other places?

Or are they just talking about humans? Ugh, what an arrogant species.

"Mah gawd made me kinga duh beasts. I gots to kill all mah subjects!" - Lazy, exaggerated, religious opinionated yokel (LEROY).

Mood: Ashamed to belong to this species
Music: "Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows"

Comments (4)

6-10-2004 5:45 am
2-HeadedGiraffe: Not a Hint of Sarcasm
Kinda like my last post, I'm writing this one the night before I have to go back to work. I work nights at the international retail chain, so tomorrow at this time I'll be cleaning floors and all that other fun janitorial stuff. What more could anyone ask than that? Perfect job, and not a hint of sarcasm.

It's 3:00 AM now, which means I have five or six hours until bed. Staying on my night shift schedule on my off days is important. Trust me.

Why do I post here with nothing important to say?

Mood: Feeling very unsarcastic.

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