2-HeadedGiraffe: A Sneeze, a Kiss, and a Chance Meeting
It's a small world after all...

When I graduated high school in 2002, I began attending classes at Millikin University in Decatur, IL. While there, I started running into this one young lady. We went to breakfast at the same time most days. We both attended at least one show at the same time. We kept running into each other even though we hadn't actually met.

It's a small world after all...

So one day in line waiting to get into the cafeteria in the morning (it was probably a weekend because people usually showed up early because of how late the cafeteria opened) she was standing right in front of me in line. She turns around and introduces herself. Her name, by the way, was Annie Kachukiss (I might be spelling that wrong, but she said it sounds like a sneeze and a kiss). We got to talking and whatnot, and thereafter we usually had breakfast together, eventually with a fair-sized group of others we met.

It's a small world after all...

One of those other people was her brother, Nicholas Kachukiss (again, unsure of the spelling). Flash forward to the present. I haven't been in Illinois in several years and now I go to school in Kalamazoo, MI. Well, who should I run into at the rec center but Nicholas Kachukiss? Apparently, he lives in Kalamazoo.

It's a small, small world.

Mood: Intrigued
Noise: Keyboard Clicks
Location: Computer Lab
Laptop Status: Unknown

Tags (beta): school, michigan, random encounters, linkarama

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