snazzykat: Turkey Advice
I am not a dark meat eater. I will and have before, but for the most part any dark meat parts from our Thanksgiving bird are generally those left to go in the fridge and then be finally tossed after becoming a long term science experiment.
I got the bright idea this year to purchase a turkey breast only for Thanksgiving. So, even tho I know more about whole turkeys than just the breast, I happily purchased my bird parts and went home.
Some things everyone needs to know about cooking Turkey Breast only turkeys:
1. Turkey Breasts STILL HAVE THE BONE for the most part. So, you still have to carve the blasted thing. If you dont want the bone, then be sure to find one that says boneless. This is something I omitted in my turkey search.
2. There is no EASY way to tell which side of a turkey is up without the legs. I discovered this after the bird was in the oven for 3 hours and STILL not up to 170 degrees inside, upon further inspection I discovered that I was cooking it upside down, which dramatically changes the way it cooks and the time in which it does so.
and finally
3. There is a LOT less meat on a Turkey Breast only, which is not necessarily a bad thing. The bummer is since the bone is still in the cost of the turkey seems really high once you figure it all up.
SO, I hope none of you will have to go thru the disappointment I have today with my "bright idea". I beginning to think that chinese for Thanksgiving sounds like a brilliant idea.
Happy Thanksgiving, and Wang Chung to you all.
Mood: Aggravated