Kick names, take ass.

2-01-2007 12:21 am
snazzykat: Your Earth Bombs are SO Primitive....

On the Moon, our bombs explode at an enormous magnitude.
You could only hope to ever be exploded by one....

fuzmeister - (The Real ST)
I'm looking forward to seeing some crazy antics on the big screen. I was totally in the dark about the movie until a couple of days ago.
2-HeadedGiraffe - (*(..)*)
I've heard it existed, but I know nothing else about it (release dates or anything of that nature).
David - ()
Never been into the cartoon. It's one of those things that I've heard about from so many different people that the pressure to watch and enjoy was too overwhelming to cope with. What little I did see of it (verry little) seemed absurd to the point of meaningless.

However, I find it hilarious that the little light displays that were placed all over Boston were mistaken for bombs. Not because of the problems it caused, but because of the reasonings inherent to the "terrorist" who would have placed them. Why would somebody placing a bomb advertise its location with a bunch of lights?
fuzmeister - (The Real ST)
By the way, I meant to ask you last night, did you post this because of this?
snazzykat - (digs scrawny pale guys.)
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