Kick names, take ass.

9-12-2010 12:17 am
toodldo_4julie: My new phone
is amazing.

The HTC EVO 4G by Sprint:

On another note.. I finally bought Allusions to a God on Amazon. Took a few years.

For an actual 'Vent':

I just don't understand why those people can have children before they're ready/financially stable/or able to care for themselves... or when they smoke throughout pregnancy and mistreat the kids they've got... while still getting to have even more kids... And Nature has decided that I'm the one that gets to have a fertility issue. It's not fair.

And yet another note:

I always enjoy fall cleaning more than spring cleaning, so an overhaul has been happening, and I love how it's looking at home :) And we have way too much stuff. uugh.


David - ()
Just remember, you always have options when it comes to children.
fuzmeister - (The Real ST)
Also, Allusions To A God is probably the worst album I've released.
toodldo_4julie - ()
I know. It's frustrating seeing so many people able to do the 'normal' thing when they don't seem able or ready for it. Luckily there are lots of treatments, and adoption. It'll happen one way or another. I love children.

Sorry Steve, I'll get to the others eventually. I listened to it all the way through though and didn't have to cut it off at any point... so it couldn't have been that bad. If it's your worst, well I guess it can only get better, right?
Archimago - ()
Nice phone. From a technical standpoint, it is a frontrunner in the smartphone market. I think it's too bad that the marketing isn't hitting on a cylinders like the iPhone does.
fuzmeister - (The Real ST)
I guess calling it the worst is unfair even though it may be true. It's an album with good intentions that was poorly executed from a technical standpoint. Either way, I hope you like it! Thanks for the support!
toodldo_4julie - ()
I really do love the phone. It's like my own personal computer and goes everwhere. Their 4g coverage is pretty minimal (as in nowhere around where I live) but I get pretty responsive internet speeds with the 3g so I have no complaints there. I also read that the battery dies fast in 4g, which makes sense. Overall the phone is quite fast. (the camera's nice too)

I did like it, Steve. I always did appreciate your music 'stuff'. Anywho, good job and good luck with it and some day maybe I'll see someone with one of your CD's and I can say I met him once haha.
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