toodldo_4julie: sometime in June
Dennis and I finally will become parents. I have successfully made it into the second trimester and things are going well!
Dennis graduated with his Bachelor in IT and I am going back to school... nursing. Working in an ER for 6 years has made me feel pretty confident it'll be a good career path for me.
New Nightwish material is pretty awesome.. even has a song with some jazz influences now. Crazy! Looking forward to their film counterpart to see how it goes. Pre-ordered the cd so I could have the digital copy.
Skyward Sword is pretty fun so far. Moving slow though.. not much time to sit and play and it deserves more than a 20-min stint here and there.. so I only play when I have about 2 hours or so to dedicate to it. Working on the third temple. Also am shamefully attached to Call of Duty. *sigh* online gaming has sucked out part of my brain.