Kick names, take ass.

7-13-2007 2:23 am
Aar0n: ...........yay?
Well, I got through with my second test today. They didn't find anything out of place in the first test. I have to say, though, it was a pretty oogy. I hate the goop they use during the ultrasound. It feels like they're smearing insane amounts of KY all over your stomach in preparation for some horrible/fatal rape.

I had the endoscopy today. First, the less important thing. The doctor found nothing. He took two biopsies to test, but he's pretty sure there's nothing wrong with my stomach. Now, the second and most important thing. The shit that they knock you out with is fucking fantastic! I didn't sleep very well last night, because I was nervous about the test. I felt exhausted all morning. They got me into the operating room, and screwed this huge tube of white stuff onto my IV. The nurse anesthetist says, "If your hand feels achy, that's just the anesthesia going in." I said, "Okay." Then, everything went into cartoon-like squiggles, and I was out. The nurse woke me up about an hour later when I was done, and the first words out of my mouth were, "You need to bottle that stuff!" I felt fantastic. A little drunk, yes, but fantastic!

Anyway, the doctor said that there didn't appear to be anything wrong with my small and large intestines, kidneys, gallbladder, or pancreas from what he could tell of the ultrasound. He also said that he didn't see anything wrong with my esophagus or stomach from the endoscopy. The only thing questionable was my raised liver enzyme and lowered iron levels, which can be cause by about a million different things. Tomorrow, they're going to get more blood to make sure everything is okay, but it looks like there might be nothing wrong. The pain has mostly gone away, and, for the first time in four weeks, I've been hungry. So, yay?

Groovin to: Matthew Perryman Jones - Sinking Wishes
Surfing: eBay :: Special Agent Badge

7-04-2007 4:19 am
Aar0n: Attack of the Novelty Needle
My doctor's appointment went pretty well today. I told him my whole story, and he set me up for a few tests. For the first two tests, they had to take blood. Now, I don't really get squeamish around needles, but this thing was ridiculous. It looked like a clown needle. I've had my blood take before, but I've never been stuck by a needle in which I could SEE DOWN THE BARREL. Seriously, needle = O. It was that big. I actually asked the nurse if it was entirely necessary to completely sever the vein in order to draw blood.

Anyway, my third test is an ultrasound. I can finally live out my dream of pretending to be an expecting mother. The last test is the worst. It's an upper endoscopy. Meaning they shove a camera down my throat. Fun times.

I'll have the latter two tests scheduled next week, but I hope that my blood work turns something else up so I don't have to get them. Here's hoping.

Grooving to: Rick Astley - Together Forever
Surfing: Myla Smith Dot Com

7-03-2007 7:37 am
Aar0n: It's That Time of Year
Well, I'm headed to the doctor's office tomorrow to fix a painful stomach problem I've had for about a month. There actually was some chest pain involved which made me worry that it was heart attack #2.

Before anyone gets anxious, no, it wasn't a regular heart attack. I had a viral infection that kept my heart from pumping very well. It was only technically a heart attack.

Anyway, I hope to get all this sorted out as soon as possible. I'm tired of being sick, and I would really like to eat a normal meal without feeling like I'm being stabbed in the gut with a KA-BAR.

Groovin to: Ne-Yo - Because of You
Surfing: The iPhone Propaganda Page

6-25-2007 6:47 am
Aar0n: Home Again, Home Again...
Wow, am I tired. Just finished up an eight day tour of the Northeast. It was terribly hard, but I got to know a lot of people. It was definitely worth it. My only regret is not meeting in person my friend, idol, hero, and personal Jesus, Steve. Next time... Next time...

Groovin to: Lyle Lovett - I've Been To Memphis
Surfing: VG Cats

6-11-2007 3:24 am
Aar0n: Get Affirmed NOW!
I have a new favorite way to start my day: The Daily Affirmation with Scott and Kris. Kristofer Straub, of Starslip Crisis, and Scott Kurtz, of PvP, have been doing a podcast for several weeks now. They are some funny, funny guys. Check 'em out at Halfpixel. Snapadoo!


Groovin to: Fleetwood Mac - Everywhere
Surfing: Threadless

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