Kick names, take ass.
2-13-2004 9:25 pm
Beowulf: Singles Awareness day.
Well, here we sit, the day before another Singles Awareness day. It's such an interesting holiday to me. It's very ambivalent. I know that if I had a woman, I wouldn't have much money to spend on her so I'd be stressing about what to do and what to get her for Valentines day. That's a lot of stress I don't need. On the other hand, There's a huge part of me that seriously wants to have someone to spend that little money on and stress about. I know, this isn't anything unique to me. I just find it humorous we're such masochists that we indirectly desire the frustration associated with the opposite sex.

On a different note, my classes are going rather well. They've all been quite easy thus far. That's sure to change soon. In about a week my Java class is going to have to start actually programming our game. The only problem is that Mr. Strong hasn't actually taught us any of the language. Sure, he's talked about classes and objects and methods and all that fun crap, but we don't have a clue what commands we write to use them. Oh well, I guess we'll just have to read the book to learn.

Mood: Perdy good
Music: Toy Soldiers - Carbon Leaf
Browsing: Ethanol to Hydrogen. It's about time.

Comments (2)

2-03-2004 3:30 pm
Beowulf: Binary, Hex and Frasier
Ok, tell me all you programming gurus out there, do you ever really use binary or hex in it's simplest form? Besides for colors in html, do you ever really have to input numbers in any form other than the typical alphanumeric method? Cuz damnit, at 8 o'clock this morning I had to learn to do bainary and hex addition and subtraction. That's way too early to be adding so many 0's and 1's. So, tell me, will it ever be useful?

And on a side note, I just found out that this is the last season of Frasier. Tis such a sad moment. 20 years of playing Frasier, and 11 of those having his own sitcom. Poor Kelsey Grammer. He's probably releived tho. Please, a moment of silence for the end of a tv legend.

Mood: Saddened, over Frasier
Browsing: Frasier

Comments (5)

1-23-2004 4:39 am
Beowulf: COBOL. The creators should have been drug out into the street and shot.
Right in the head. Execution style. I mean, what the hell? Were these people complete freakin masochists? Could it possibly be more verbose? How the hell did this become the dominant business language back in the day? Eight pages. Eight ungodly pages for a 15 line print out. I could have done it in C++ in less than one page. And that's accounting for the fact that I'm a horrible programmer and would probably write a hell of a lot of unecessary code. That eight pages of typing doesn't even include having to type out the input file. What the hell were these people thinking?

Mood: uh, angered at people who I hope are dead
Music: Lord Randall by the Prodigals

Comments (1)

1-21-2004 3:59 pm
Beowulf: Object Oriented??
Mmkay, here's the deal. I went to my Java class this morning and my teacher tried to start a debate about whether or not Object Oriented programming is more natural than procedural. The only problem is that noone in class has worked with either enough to form much of an opinion yet. The dabate was rather, well, there wasn't really a debate at all.

So, I thought I would get the opinion of real coders. Object Oriented or Procedural? Which do you feel is more natural?

Mood: ack, the evil day star. Oh my eye...
Music: Rocky Road to Dublin - Irish Descendants

Comments (6)

1-21-2004 4:13 am
Beowulf: B is home. The younger B is happy
Well, I'm sure he'll post on here before long but I thought those wondering masses should know that B made it home alright. Nitrus, if he hasn't called you yet I'm sure it won't be long before he does. One can only stand our mother so long.

I beleive he will be coming here to Pittsburg on Friday and sleeping here. I suppose I should try to get him out to see some of the stimulating night life here, but there's only one bar I can stand. I don't think they make their screwdrivers with Absolut tho. Disapointing. Saturday he will be joining me and several of my Taiwanese friends to celebrate the Chinese New Year. There's gonna be chinese stuff, chinese food, chinese people. Bodes to be a good time for all.

Mood: Cheers is on. And I have oolong tea. I'm rather happy
Music: Njosnavelin - Sigur Ros
Browsing: Ever wonder who Fenrir is? I did. I know, I know, I'm sad.

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