rainbow: Snow Blows Pt. II
Snow Blows.

Im not a big snow fan in the first place. Add to it the horror of having to go out in it, because i was unsmart enough to be one of the few people close enough to work to possibly come in during thus previous stated state of emergency. I kept hoping during my drive that the police would stop me, and send me home. I had some harsh words ready to say to him/her to vent my frustration with having to be out in the nasty stuff. But alas, i made it to work unmolsted by the cops. Tho i did almost run into the entrace of work, my car and i made it there successfully, and then back to rebury my car into another snow drift. Wish me luck on digging out b's car today while he's at work. I need it to go shopping. I havent been shopping in DAYS!!! WOE is MEL!

Mood: Sleepy
Music: the soothing hum of a running computer
Browsing: slick deals

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