fuzmeister: I don't like it, but I guess things happen that way...
Hillary won Pennsylvania... wow - the people of this great state are indeed unwise. I wasn't about to reregister democrat (long live the independent party) to be able to vote... wish I would've now, but it wouldn't have helped.
What a crock. I'm quite irritated.
Mood: Irritated
Music: Johnny Cash - Guess Things Happen That Way
Tags (beta): politics
Hillary won Pennsylvania... wow - the people of this great state are indeed unwise. I wasn't about to reregister democrat (long live the independent party) to be able to vote... wish I would've now, but it wouldn't have helped.
What a crock. I'm quite irritated.
Mood: Irritated
Music: Johnny Cash - Guess Things Happen That Way
Tags (beta): politics
Incorrect. Judging the impact of your non-vote after the election is erroneous, because you are sharing vantage point with everyone else who doesn't think their one vote would have mattered. If you all would have come down off of hindsight hill together and cast your ballots, your votes together could have held sway.